Chapter 9.

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Ashley's POV:

I hit all the targets in 8 seconds.. A record breaking time..

Patrick also beat Auston and everyone else in the skill competition.

When the fun shoot out came, Patrick took off his Blackhawk jersey and he was wearing a Toronto jersey that said MATTHEWS on the back. Patrick lined up for the shootout and he purposely acted like he couldn't stickhandle, skate, or do anything. He shot the puck right into the goalie and the whole area was laughing, including me.

Auston was pissed. He grabbed Patrick's jersey, tossed it on and did the same thing, except he accidentally scored. I was laughing, so was Patrick and so was the whole arena.

He skated up to me and kissed me. I pulled back and said, "What the fuck?"

"I'm just doing what Kane does.." He said

"I don't kiss her..." Patrick said

"Auston.." I said quietly, but sharp

"What? Can't I tell everyone what you've been up to?"

"I haven't done anything.." I said

"Lies.." He said

Everyone was looking at us. 

"No PDA!" Some guy yelled

I got off the ice and got dressed. I waited for the guys and Patrick drove back to the hotel. The car ride was so awkward.

"Am I missing something?" Tazer asked 

"No, those two just don't get along.." I said annoyed from the front seat

We got back to the hotel and I kicked everyone out of my room and I spent the day all alone. I was crying myself to sleep and Patrick came in. I pushed him away and told him to leave.

He laid down in my bed and he held me in his arms. He wasn't leaving. 

"I'm sorry for what I did today.."

"What you did was funny.. What Auston did was mean and it almost gave away our secret.."

"We're a secret now?" Patrick asked

"What happened between us is a secret.. Now, we're friends.." I said

"As a friend, can I stay tonight?" Patrick asked

"Of course.." I said

I woke up and Patrick was gone. Today we had the real game and we ended up winning it all. We went to the airport and flew back to Chicago.

Patrick and I got into another fight... 

It was stupid, but we didn't talk for a couple of weeks.

I loved Auston, I really did, but Patrick.. He was different. Things were exciting with him.

We got back home and practice started up again.

Patrick and I were sill going at it. 

"Can you please just stay away from me?" I asked

"Gladly.." He said

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