chapter 26

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Ashley's POV:

The next evening we were at the airport on our way back to the United States. We were sitting at the airport waiting for our flight. Auston snapped me.. I opened it and I quickly grabbed Patrick..

I showed him the screen and he said, "Auston?"

"Yeah.." I said

Patrick was pissed and he grabbed my phone and sent Auston a picture back that said "That's sexual harassment. Delete my girlfriends snap off you phone."

Patrick sent it and handed me my phone back.

"He's so fucking stupid.." Patrick said

Auston just snapped me back and he said "I'm sorry, thought you two would be over by now.."

Patrick reading it too.

"Why would you think that?" I snapped back with Patrick in the picture

Auston said: "You didn't tell him yet, did you? Damn Ash."

Patrick looked at me and he asked, "What didn't you tell me?" 

"I told you everything.. I promise.." I said

We were getting on the airplane and Patrick sat next to me and Auston snapped us again.

He said: "Dude, she pulled me into the bathroom and gave me a blowjob.."

Patrick tossed my phone back on my lap and he asked, "Is that true?"

"No, I swear I was only with him for like four minutes in the lobby."

Patrick was upset and I said, "I'm not lying. I've told you the whole truth and I didn't try to hide it. I love you, I love us together..."

Patrick was pissed at me. He laid his head on the window as we took off. After about two hours in the air, it was dark out and they shut the lights off on the plane. Almost everyone was asleep.

I moved my blanket over to Patrick's lap and I put the armrest up. I laid on Patrick's chest and I slipped my hand into his pants.

He looked at me and he whispered, "What are you doing?"

"Showing you I love you and I'd never do this with anyone else..."

"Our whole family is on this airplane..." He whispered

I continued and a few minutes later, I got up and went to the bathroom. A few minutes after there was a knock on the door and I opened it to leave and Patrick came in, locked the door, and kissed me.

"We're really doing this?" I asked

"We are.." He said 

We were having sex in the airplane bathroom. 

Patrick left first and I came back five minutes later.

 I sat down and he said, "Damn, that was hot.."

I kissed him and our families were starting to wake up. 

Donna looked at us and said, "Hope you two had fun in the bathroom.."

My face turned bright red and Patrick said, "We weren't in there together."

"Please, I know you two were having fun in there.. To be young again.." Donna said leaving laughing

"So your mom knows we just fucked in the airplane bathroom.." I said so embarassed

A few hours later the plane landed in New York and we all got off the plane and it was time to go our separate ways. 

We were all hugging goodbye and everyone went to their own gates.

Patrick and I were sitting on the plane to take us back to Chicago.

He grabbed my phone and I had 35 snapchats from Auston.

He handed my phone back and he said, "I'm sorry, Ash.. I trust you and I don't need to be that guy who goes through your phone..."

"I get it, I want to show you.. I want to talk about it with you."

We opened all of them and I blocked him after. 

"He's obsessed with me.." I said

"Wow.." He said 

A few hours later, we were back in Chicago. 

We were at home and I took a shower, unpacked, and fell asleep. 

I got up the next day and I went to workout, Patrick was still asleep.

I came home and he was up.

"My body is so confused.. Where were you?" Patrick asked

"So is mine.. I went to workout." I said

"Oh, I thought we'd go together." He said

Things weren't the same..

"I got up at 5am... Now I need to nap.."

"Okay, well I'm going to go workout.." He said

"Have fun.. I'm going to go grocery shopping."

Patrick left and I went grocery shopping and then took a nap. When I woke up, Patrick was still gone and it was 6pm. He left at noon. I checked my phone and I had nothing from him.

At 10pm, he texted me that he was spending the night at Tazer's. Probably telling him what a shitty girlfriend I was because I kissed Auston Matthews. 

The next day, I showed up at practice and I felt so out of shape. Patrick came with Tazer and they showed up later.

"Why'd you drive my car?" Patrick asked

"I don't know, I wasn't even thinking.." I said exhasuted

Tazer gave me a death look. Great.

I was leaving after practice and I asked Patrick, "Do you want me to wait? or are you still at Tazer's?"

"Wait.." he said heading to the showers

I waited and he came out and I was driving back home and I started a fight.

"Why's you tell Tazer about Auston?"

"You told your sister.." He said

"She's my sister, she's family.."

"Tazer is the closest thing I have to a brother." Patrick said back

"He's our teammate and captain.." I said back annoyed

"He's not going to tell anyone.."

"Maybe not, but he'll give me death glares.."

"Maybe you deserve them.." Patrick said back

"What the happened? We were fine in London and on the plane.." 

"I don't know, Ash.. Everything is just different here."

I started crying and I parked the car. We both went inside and Patrick said, "By the way, don't ever drive my fucking car again without asking."

I went into our bedroom, slammed the door, and laid in bed crying wondering what the hell happened.

I heard Patrick leave and I knew he went to Tazer's.

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