chapter 35

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Ashley's POV:

I looked down totally expecting to read NOT PREGNANT, but instead that small screen read PREGNANT.

"No! I can't be pregnant.." I said

"You are.." Jamie said

I started crying and freaking out. 

She had me lay down and she got the ultrasound machine.

She put gel on my stomach and found a small blob that was a baby.

"There is your baby.." She said pointing to the screen

I cried.. I didn't have any words.

"I'm not a doctor, but I'm guessing you about a month and a week pregnant or so.." 

"Wow.." I said

She printed pictures of the ultrasound and she said, "Go see a real doctor ASAP. You've been playing a lot of hockey and need to make sure that the baby is okay."

I went home and I took a shower. I looked at my stomach in the mirror and it just looked a little bloated. I couldn't believe I was pregnant.

Two days later, I was at the OB/GYN and she did an ultrasound and my due date was 

May 29th.. She said that we needed to monitor the baby closely because I have been playing hockey and doing things pregnant women shouldn't do, but she expected everything to turn out okay.

I went home and went online and I ordered a custom baby jersey.

I was on the injured and reserved list and no one knew why.

Auston called me and asked why and the story we were going with was that I was extremely sick and had some parasite growing in my stomach.

I wanted to tell someone about the baby so bad, but the baby's father wasn't around. I made a meeting time with Q when no one would be at the rink and I told him that I was pregnant and would be taking time off from the NHL, if I could ever come back.

Q was complexly shocked and said, "Marriage and a baby, wow a lot happening in the next year for you and Auston."

"It's scary, but please don't tell the team anything yet. If anyone asks, just tell them it's some parasite in my stomach making me sick and I am out so the doctors can run a bunch of tests, surgery, or something.." 

"I promise that your secret is safe with me."

"Thanks, Q.." I said leaving his office

Patrick's POV: 

Ashley hadn't been at hockey for a few days now and today Q announced she was out for a few months.

"Why?" I asked 

"Legally, I can't tell you the exact reason but she has some medical thing going on. She's been really sick lately due to a parasite she contracted while traveling."

"Is it contagious?" I asked suddenly panicked as she kissed me in the elevator

Q laughed and asked, "Why are you so concerned?"

"No reason, just want to make sure no one else on the team has it."

"I can promise you that no one else on the team has what she has. It's not contagious..." Q said leaving the room

"Damn, Kaner, is there something you want to tell me?" Tazer asked

"She kissed me in the elevator on our last road trip.." I whispered

Tazer laughed and said, "Might want to go talk to her to see what she has.."

"Shut up.. Don't tell anyone.." I said getting my gear on for practice


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