chapter 20

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Ashley's POV:

We landed in Toronto at 2am. I went to my room and went to bed. We had today as our rest day. I got a text from Auston.

Auston: I'm at your hotel... Meet me outside now. Alone.

Me: No

Auston: *Picture of me kissing Patrick* Come now, or else this is going on Twitter

Me: I'm coming

I left my room and got into Auston's car and he was smiling.

"Hey baby.." He said 

"Auston, we broke up.." I said

"I know and I miss you.."

"Auston, we weren't good together.." I said

"We were good together." He said putting his hand on my thigh

"Please stop.." I said

He leaned into kiss me and I pulled away.

"Bitch!" He said to me

"I need to go.." I said

"You have until tonight at 10pm to call me or I will post it to Twitter.."

I got out of his car and I walked back into the hotel. I was crying all the way to Patrick's room.

I walked in and he was there with Tazer..

Patrick hugged me and asked what was wrong. Tazer went to leave,  but I told him to stay..

I told them what just happened with Auston and I said, "Patrick, we need to go public now.."

"Now?" He asked

"Auston's gonna post it.. It would look better if we told everyone first."

"You're right.." He said

"Tazer, can you call a meeting? I think the team should know first.." I said

"Of course." He said

The guys and coaches were all in the conference room. Tazer stood up and said, "I called this meeting today because there is some important information that needs to be shared. One of our teammates is being blackmailed and has some news for us."

I stood up and I said, "As you all know, I have a complicated past with Auston Matthews. He is threatening to release some pictures so I'm going to beat him to it and release them myself..."

"You sent nudes?" Crow asked

"No.. I'm dating Patrick.." I said

Everyone's jaws dropped...

"Patrick as in Kaner?" Duncs asked

"Yes.." I said

"You mean this Patrick?" Crow asked 

Everyone was looking at Patrick.

"Yes, I am in love with Patrick Timothy Kane II.."

Patrick stood up and he kissed me...

The team was whistling, cheering, and laughing.

"Damn! Kaner always gets the girl.." Dylan said

Everyone left and Q had us stay.

"This is very inappropriate.." he said

"Coach, everything at hockey is a professional relationship.. Our personal relationship happens away from hockey.." Patrick said

"This can't impact the team in anyway." Q said

"It hasn't and it won't.. We promise.." I said

Q talked with us for a while and then Patrick and I went back to his room and found a picture to post.

We decided on one of us this summer in Buffalo. It was one of us kissing with a beautiful sunset in the background. My captioned said: Meet my sexy boyfriend, Patrick Kane 

Patrick's said: Sorry ladies, but my heart is taken by the one and only Ashley Hastings

We were getting millions of likes and retweets. 

"This is real.." I said looking into Patrick's eyes

"This is real.." He said 

My phone was ringing and Auston was calling me. Patrick answered it/

Patrick: Why the hell are you calling my girlfriend?

Auston: Why the hell did you guys post that?

Patrick: Because we thought it was time to tell the world we were together... Now you can leave us alone..

Patrick hung up and I blocked his number. Patrick kissed me and said, "I love you and I'm happy we can finally be seen together in public.."

"Me too.. I love you so much.."

I went to my room and went to bed. We had morning skate and then we were in the locker room about to get on the ice after warm ups and Patrick kept looking at me.

He came up to me and he whispered, "You look so hot.. I want to kiss you.."

"You look pretty hot yourself.." I said slapping his ass as he was walking to get on the ice 

I followed behind him and from the drop of the puck, Auston was out for blood for the whole team.

We were up 5-2 and I had a hatty. 

It was the third period and Auston was in the corner with Patrick and Auston dropped the gloves and Patrick just said, "I don't need to fight you.. I have the girl, I've already won.."

Patrick skated away and left Auston standing there like an idiot. We won the game and we got back on an airplane and flew to Chicago.

I went back to Patrick's with him and he asked, "Will you move in with me?"

"Yeah.." I said smiling 

Patrick kissed me and we both went to bed as we were exhausted. 

I woke up to Patrick playing with my hair.

"I can't wait to wake up like this everyday.." I said 

"Let's not wait.. Move in today.." He said

"Okay.." I said 

I didn't have much at my place, so it only took like 4 hours to get everything into Patrick's place. We called a realtor and got my house up for sale too.

I was putting clothes in drawers and  putting all my stuff in the bathroom.

Patrick did an amazing job helping me. We spent the whole day together as we had an off day.

I felt so weird living here... Patrick kissed me and he said, "Welcome home baby.."

I kissed him and I said, "I love being home with my sexy boyfriend.."

Well things were going well... Thanksgiving was here and we were on the road. Patrick came to my hotel room with a pumpkin pie at 11pm and he said, "Happy Thanksgiving to the woman I'm so thankful for.."

"You are so cute.." I said

He sat on my bed and there were two forks. It was just one of those half pies and we shared the whole thing.

"You're making me fat.." I said

Patrick looked at me and he said, "Yeah, keep thinking that because you are pure muscle.."

Patrick was laying in bed with me and I asked, "Will you stay?"

"Yeah, unless Q finds out and forces me to leave.."

Patrick and I fell asleep we lost our game 1-6 against Tampa. Q was pissed at the team.

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