chapter 46

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Ashley's POV:

Patrick and I stayed there for a few hours just talking and suddenly, Donna showed up.

"What the hell is happening?" She yelled

"Relax mom.." Patrick said

Donna came and sat by us and she said, "It's almost one, where have you guys been? Olivia is pissed.."

"I don't care!!!" Patrick said upset

Patrick stormed off, pissed.

"What's going on?" Donna asked

"He misses his grandpa.."I said

Donna sighed and she said, "Fuck.. I should have known that..."

I laughed as Donna never swore.

"Is he okay?" Donna asked

"He seems okay, but he's miserable. It doesn't help that we have a baby and his grandpa will never get to meet her.."

"You stay with him.. I'll take the cup and Lauren.." Donna said

"Are you sure?" I asked

"You are the only one I know that he'll open up to..." She said hugging me

Donna left with the baby and the cup. I went and found Patrick sitting on a rock by the water.

I sat next to him and I said, "Your mom took the baby and the cup.. We can stay here all day if you need.."

"I don't want to be here.. I just can't leave.." Patrick said

"Why?" I asked

"Because the only person I want to see right now is my grandpa.." He said

"Do you want me to leave?" I asked

"No.. I need you to stay.." He said

"Okay, then I'll stay.. I'll sit here with for as long as you need.."

I sat there with him quietly until 3pm and he said, "I'm sorry. I'm starving and I know you must be starving.."

"I am, but I'm okay.." I said

He got up and said, "Let's go.."

He drove to his parents house for food and to see everyone. We sat in the car and I said, "It will be okay.."

We got out and I went to find our daughter and Patrick was being mobbed my family and friends.

I found her with Donna and she asked, "How is he?"

"Not okay.. He didn't say much to me, but he didn't want me to leave either.."

"I'll talk to him later, thank you.." She said

I ate and around seven, I went up to Patrick's childhood room and I was breastfeeding Lauren when there was a knock. I threw a blanket over me and said, "Come in."

It was just Patrick. He came in and shut the door laid down.

"Wow... This room brings back some memories.." Patrick said laughing

"I can't believe I was seventeen when we were last in here.."

"Now, you're twenty with our daughter." He said

I laid Lauren on his bed and put pillows around the edges even though she wasn't rolling over yet.

Patrick and I left the room and went back out. Jackie said she's stay with our sleeping baby.

It was three in the morning and Olivia was passed out on the couch, drunk.

Patrick and I were laying in his bed, with our daughter and we both fell asleep. I was up pretty early with the baby.

I got the stroller out of the car and I took Lauren on a walk around the neighborhood. When I got back, everyone was up and eating breakfast. Patrick got Olivia up and we all went back to his place. Olivia was so hungover.

A week later we were back in Chicago and pre-season was starting. I was very out of shape and Q had me back out there. It was awful trying to get back in shape. Duncs, wife was watching Lauren while I went to the first practice.

Pre-season flew by and I was playing in the first game. Donna and my mom were taking turns coming to stay for road trips. Since Patrick's dad was at every home game, he held Lauren in the stands.

We were about a month into the season and Patrick was snapping at me, just like old times.

He was spending a lot more time with Olivia and less with our baby.

I was finalizing the planning for my wedding with Auston that was coming up November 29th.

We were on a road trip in California and Patrick and I got into a huge fight on the bench over hockey. In the hallway, it got personal.

"You're the one who is never around our daughter anymore.. Maybe Auston was right, maybe her last name should be Hastings and not Kane.. My life is forever changed because of that little girl.."

"You are too damn busy to let me come see her.. My life changed forever too.. She is my daughter, her last name is Kane.. Don't ever say anything like that again." He said back

"Yeah, but you're the dad. You can just walk away and go be happy with someone else. Someone more your type who doesn't have a kid.." I said

"I love our daughter and I wouldn't ever walk away from her." Patrick said sternly

"But you'll walk away from me.." I said

"You aren't my daughter.. You are the mother to my daughter so I will always support you.."

"Fine you know what, I'm moving out of that house. You can have it. You can have my car and all the other shit you bought for me. I'll buy it myself. Give it to your soon to be fiance.."

"I don't want the house or the car or anything else.. What about Olivia being my fiance?" He asked so confused

"I saw the ring box in your pocket the other night.."

"Tazer bought a ring for Lindsay... He asked me to keep it at my place so she wouldn't find it.." He lied

"Bullshit!" I said

"Think whatever you want.." Patrick said walking away

The next day we were in Washington state, playing the new NHL team. We lost and Q called us into his office.

He sent us directly to Rick.

"You guys never learn.." He said shaking his head no

"Upstairs, six laps around the top, two laps with stairs.." He said

"Fuck you.." Patrick said to me

"Ashley, you're only doing four laps around the top. Patrick will be carrying you for the other two.." Rick said

"Two laps off?" Patrick asked

"Yes, a complaint and you said something negative.."

We went upstairs and did the stairs first. We started in opposite directions. When I was going up and he was coming down, he squirted me with a water bottle and and Q totally saw. He sat in the stands watching us.

I jumped on Patrick's back and he was lightly jogging and Rick yelled at him to speed it up.

"It's hard when she's still got all the baby weight.." Patrick said

I got off his back and I said, "Punish me however you want for this, but fuck you, Patrick... I love our daughter to death and I wouldn't change it for the world, but I had our baby for you. I'll never look how I did before pushing a baby put of my vagina. Stay the fuck away from me and give this to our daughter when she's old enough. I can't stand to look at it.."

I threw his grandma's wedding ring at him and I left crying. I heard Rick also yell at Patrick.

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