chapter 31

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Ashley's POV:

I tried to tell Conner, I really did, but I couldn't. I ended up inviting him to the Blackhawk team and family weekend at Patrick's cabin. 

I don't know why I did that, but I did and it was stupid. He was so excited to go.

He flew in the next weekend from Michigan and I drove to Patrick's cabin. There were a lot of people there..

"Hey Ash, Conner.." Patrick said

"Hey, this place is sick!" Conner said

"It's just a cabin.." I said walking away

Olivia came running up to me and said, "I'm so happy you are here.. I need your help.."

"With what?" I asked

She brought me to the master bedroom and said, "You were Patrick's girlfriend.. How did you handle these parties?"

"What do you mean?" I asked

"It's so overwhelming.."

"Just find one of the girlfriends and go sit on the beach and drink with her. You'll have fun." I said

"Thank you.." She said 

"You're welcome.." I said

She was smiling and she said, "Okay, I have to tell you.. Look what I found in Patrick's nightstand drawer.."

She opened the drawer and there was a ring box in there.. She opened the box and there was a beautiful ring in there. Patrick must have paid an insane amount of money for it..

"Wow.." I said looking at the beautiful ring

"I know! he's going to propose to me.." Olivia squealed

"Congrats.." I said with little emotion

"You seem confused or pissed.."  Olivia stated

"I just never thought Patrick was one to commit to something like marriage.." I said 

"I didn't either, but it's happening.." She said

"I'm happy for you both.. Just make sure he doesn't know you know. It will kill him if he can't make it a complete surprise." I said leaving the room

I went out and saw Tazer and I approached him.. 

"Ashley, how are you?" He asked

"I'm good, how are you?" 

He hugged me and said, "Just because you and Patrick broke up, doesn't mean we can't be friends.."

"I thought you'd hate me.." I said

"No, I hate how it ended. I don't hate you or Patrick.." He said

"That's good to know.." 

There were probably forty five people there and the cabin was packed. People were sleeping on the couch, on air mattress, some were outside in tents. 

Patrick was heading to the boat and he said, "Ash, come with us..." 

A bunch of the team was going tubing. 

"Let me change  quick.." I said 

I was wearing a hot pink bikini top with black bottoms.

I got on the boat and all of the guys were drinking. Patrick tossed me a white claw and I sat down in between Crow and Shaw. We were in the middle of the lake and guys were tubing and Patrick was purposely trying to throw them off. 

Patrick whipped them off and then he said, "Tazer!" 

Tazer sat in the driver seat and Patrick said, "Come on, Ash.."

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