chapter 36

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Ashley's POV:

I knocked on Patrick's door and he opened it.

"Hey" I said

"Why are you here? You have some nasty parasite inside you disease.." Patrick said backing away

"You gave it to me.." I said

"I what?" Patrick asked confused

"It's your 30th birthday and I have a present for you.." I said

"I don't need anything from you.." He said

"Well, you really don't have a choice.." I said

"I have everything that I could want.. Just go away.." He said

"You don't have this.." I said

Patrick looked confused and he let me come inside and he put the box on the counter.

He opened it and he picked up the tiny Blackhawk jersey with the number 88 on the back that said DADDY..

Patrick looked at me and I was crying.

"Are you pregnant?" He asked

"Yeah.." I said handing him ultrasound pictures

"My baby? For sure?" He asked

"One hundred percent, the lake.." I said

He looked at them and started crying.

"Fuck.." He said crying harder

"What's wrong?" I asked

"I told the woman carrying my child that I hate her and how she needs to stop faking being sick and all that shit and the whole time it was all because she was busy making my baby.."

Patrick hugged me and he said, "I'm so sorry.."

"It's okay.. I promise. I had no idea I was pregnant. The baby is due on May 29th."

"Does Auston know?" He asked

"Not yet.. You needed to know first." I said

"I really appreciate that.. Who else knows?" He asked

"Jamie, who made me take the test and my doctor.."

"What are we going to do now?"

"I want this baby.. I love this baby so much.. We tell Auston and you tell Olivia..  Along with our families. We go from there. After, I hit the second trimester, we tell the team and after that I guess we wait and tell the world.."

Patrick and I sat down and he looked into my eyes and he said, "I want this baby.. I love our baby.."

I hugged him and I said, "I'm scared.."

"About what?" He asked

"Being a mom, being a hockey player, you being the father, everything.. This baby has two famous parents and is getting really good athletic genes.. I just know how fucked up the world is.."

"You are going to be the best mom... I've said it before and I will say it again, there is no one else who I would want to be the mother to my kids. Even if we aren't together, I still want you being the one my son or daughter calls mom.."

I started crying and I said, "I didn't mean you were going to be a bad dad.. I meant I'm scared that people are going to use our kid to get to us and.." I couldn't say anything else as I was crying so hard

"You're going to be an amazing dad... You deserve to have a baby.. I want this baby to be just like you.."

Patrick let me cry and he said, "Wow, the pregnancy hormones are a real thing.."

"Shut up!" I said laughing

"I'm going to tell you something and you can't do anything about it, but this is our baby so you deserve to know.."

"Jamie and my doctor were concerned that there might be some complications with our baby.. Like the baby might not make it, I might not carry to term, or there could be some health issues because I was playing hockey when I was pregnant.. Which that was bad, but I was getting really bad stomach cramping and they thought I was having a miscarriage from Auston's hit.. I am fine and the baby is fine and they said I will have a safe, healthy pregnancy to term and this baby will be born healthy.."

"If you would have had a miscarriage,  I would have actually killed him.."

"I know you would've.. There is still the normal rate that something could go wrong, but everything is normal now.."

"Can I touch your stomach?" Patrick asked

"Yeah.." I said

I laid down on the couch and Patrick lifted my shirt up and he put his hand on my stomach and he laid down and he put his head next to my stomach and he said, "Hey baby Kane, this is daddy talking to you.. You need to be good and grow big and strong and listen to your mommy.. I love you so much and I can't wait to meet you.."

"I know the baby is probably still just a blob, but wow." Patrick said

"I have an ultrasound in two weeks and they are going to try to let me hear the heartbeat.. You're more than welcome to come.."

"Thank you.."

"It's your baby too.." I said

"Your stomach looks a little bigger, like not calling you fat, but just saying it looks a little real.."

"I'm about two months, so yeah.. It just looks like I've been eating too much."

"Want to have Thanksgiving with both our families and we can deliver the news?"

"Yeah, that would be perfect.." I said

I left Patrick's and I went home and packed for this weekend, his 30th birthday party.

I drove up with Tazer and we got everyone there and Patrick's family was also there. 

Didn't see that one coming..

Patrick showed up and he was totally surprised..

It was a one night thing as tomorrow night was Thanksgiving. 

Everyone was drinking and I got into a game of beer pong with Patrick's sisters..

"Guys, Ash can't be seen around this.. There's too many people here to get her in trouble.." Patrick said as he knew I couldn't drink 

I got out of there and I went to Patrick's nightstand and the ring was still there.. I wondered why he never proposed.

It was late and I went and sat down on the dock with my feet in the water while I wrapped in a blanket. 

Patrick came and sat down next to me.

"How's my baby mama?"  He asked

"I'm good, just have no clue how to tell everyone that I'm engaged to Auston and pregnant with your baby.."

"I will be right there with you.."

"You could propose to Olivia to make things easier.." I said nervously

"What?" He asked super confused

"I know you have a ring for her.. You deserve to be happy, propose.." I said

"I don't have a ring.. No plans whatsoever.." He said

"Patrick, I've seen the ring in your nightstand drawer. Olivia actually found it and freaked out.." I said

"Fuck.." He said running off the dock

He came back a few minutes later and he handed me the box.

I opened it and said, "See you have a ring.." 

"I do.. I've had it for a long time and I kept it here so no one would find it.."

"Sorry.." I said

"It's fine.." He said and added, "I'll probably just pawn it now.."

"Why?" I asked

"I didn't buy this ring for Olivia.. Ash, I bought this ring for you.." Patrick said and I froze

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