chapter 13.

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Ashley's POV:

Patrick and I went into the hotel and I went immediately to the bathroom and I took a hot shower. I was still frozen.

I got out of the shower and walked out in the room in my towel and Patrick went into the bathroom to shower.I was in sweatpants and a sweatshirt, laying in bed. I was finally starting to warm up. Patrick came out of the bathroom in sweatpants and a sweatshirt.

He got into my bed and moved close to me and laid his head on my stomach.

"I'm so cold.." He said

"I'm finally warming back up." I said

"Tomorrow is going to suck, but tonight was so worth it and I wouldn't change it."

We fell asleep and woke up the next day and we had to get ready for the fancy dinner party. 

This year I was wearing a red dress with black heels. 

My sister dropped her car off for me to take to the banquet. I was leaving with Patrick and I was in the driver seat and i drove ten minutes and we were at some building.

We walked inside and we were in the elevator and we went to the top floor. 

It overlooked the beautiful city.

"Wow this is incredible.." I said

We walked inside and we found Crow and Duncs.

It was the same boring socializing, dinner, and speeches. Patrick didn't drink, instead we ditched.

We got in my sisters car and Patrick drove back to the hotel. We were in the elevator and I asked, "Where is you ring?"

"I lost it skiing.." 

"Are you serious?" I asked

"Yeah.." He said laughing

"Let's go swimming.." He said

We were in the hotel room and my family was on their way to our hotel. 

We changed quick and met them at the pool. Crow and Duncs also came back earlier and were hanging out in the pool with us.

We were all having a blast, until we got kicked out of the pool. My family left and I went, showered, and went to bed. The skills competition went well, I took second place and Patrick got third. 

Patrick did this thing and it shattered my heart into a million pieces.

He brought out my brother and younger sister for the shootout. They both played hockey and they went on down a 2-0 on Crow.

They were having a blast on the ice. The next day we got third place and my whole family was there. They came down to the locker room and we took lots of pictures. 

My parents drove me and Patrick to the airport and before I knew it, we were back in Chicago. 

We got off the plane and we all went our separate ways. I had two days off that I spent alone, but when I showed up to practice, Patrick was an ass again.

I got a phone call from ESPN wanting to do a body image segment. I agreed to it and they were thrilled. It was a Blackhawk only edition. This shoot was coming up within the week. 

At the end of week, I was at the United Center in a long, white, ESPN robe. They were doing my hair and make-up. 

"Are you nervous?" The hair stylist asked

"No, it's just pictures.." I said smiling 

We were all in our full gear with our red jerseys. They had Duncan Keith, Jonathan Toews, Patrick Kane, Corey Crawford, Andrew Shaw, and Brent Seabrook in their full gear.

They were in a "flying v" skating behind me, I was in the front.

They took so many pictures. It was fun at first, but towards the end, we were all sick of pictures.

After, we all went out for lunch and I put my hair up in a bun as it was so full of hairspray. 

"That shoot is going to turn out sick!" Crow said

"Obviously, they had all of us in the back."  Duncs said

Everyone laughed and my phone rang. It was Auston. All the guys saw his name pop up and I got up from the table to answer it.

"What?" I said

"Nice to talk to you too.." He said

"Why are you calling me? We broke up.." I said

"I know, but I heard about the photoshoot."

"Yeah.." I said

"Patrick was there, right?"

"Yes, and so were five other of my teammates. Please leave me alone."

"Whatever.." He said hanging up

I went and sat back down and Shaw asked, "Do I need to fight him?"

"Don't you mean does Kaner need to fight him?" Seabs asked laughing

"Shut up!" Patrick said

"Kaner, why do you hate Matthews so much?" Shaw asked

"Because he reminds Kaner of his younger self.." Duncs said

Patrick smiled and he glanced over and his eyes met mine.

"So what, I'm the older Matthews?" He asked

 "Yeah, you're both stuck up, cocky, and man whores.." I said

"Dayummm!" Shaw said and the rest of the guys freaked out

Patrick was pissed and I didn't care. After the team lunch, we all went our separate ways. 

My whole drive home, I kept thinking about Matthrews being the younger version of Patrick.

Duncan Keith was right, but Patrick was so much better than Auston. My only problem is that Patrick is engaged to a model. Literally, there is no way to compete with that, so I'm done competing. I'm done caring. I'm over Patrick Kane. 

The next few months, I was so focused on hockey, training, and eating right. My game had improved a lot and my line had been starting.

Tonight, we won our game, securing a spot in the playoffs. 

Q was so happy that he gave us all the next day off. I spent my off day hanging out with Dylan.

He came over and we were watching movies and just relaxing because we were both exhausted and sore.

"Did you ever have a thing with Kaner?" He asked

"No, ew.. He's such an ass.." I said

Dylan laughed and said, "I still can't believe he's getting married."

"I know, he doesn't seem like the kind of guy to get married." I said

Suddenly, I realized that he was the type of guy to get married and have kids. He told me that's what he wanted in life.

Dylan went home after the movie and I went to bed. I was so exhausted. The playoffs started and we were killing it. We continued to win and advance. 

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