Chapter 6.

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Ashley's POV:

I went to practice two days later and I felt so out of shape. We had a game tomorrow and I was playing.

"You need to learn how to fucking handle a pass in front of the net!" Patrick yelled at me during a drill

"Maybe you should make better passes.."

"You're not ready for them." He yelled back

We were doing our hard lap as a team and Patrick tripped me.

Q stopped practice and he said, "You two need to learn how to get along. Get on the line.."

Q skated the two of us for about twenty minutes straight. Then, he made us do weird passing drills.

"Ashley, go stand in front of the net. Patrick is going to shoot a few pucks. You need to trust that he isn't going to hit you. You can't flinch either.."

"But what if he does?" I ask

"He won't.." Q said

"I'm pretty sure this like child abuse.." I said

"Q, she is a minor.." Tazer said

"Yeah, a minor who can't get along with a teammate.."

Patrick had three pucks and he was purposely shooting them close enough to me to where I thought they were going to hit me.

I got to do the same thing to Patrick and it took everything in my power not to shoot one right at his face.

The team was already working out and Patrick was assigned as my workout partner. He was saying shit and I was giving it right back.

The next day we showed up for the game and Q had us both as healthy scratches..

"You need to get along before get on my ice."

Patrick was pissed.. I was pissed.

The next week, we were in Toronto for a game.

The game started and we were up by three goals. The last period with six minutes to go, Patrick checked Matthews. It was a clean hit and an appropriate time to check him. However, Patrick stayed in the corner with him.

Patrick pushed him back up against the glass and he dropped his gloves. He kept hitting Matthews and saying things every time he hit him.

"Fuck you!" Patrick said

"You're an ass!"

Matthews was giving it back it him saying, "Stay away from my girlfriend.."

I stood there and watched the refs break up the fight. They both got tossed from the game. After, I left the locker room and saw Donna.

"Hey, how are you?" I asked

"I'm so sick of your son fighting and my boyfriend fighting.."

Donna looked at my hand and said, "Oh my goodness.."

She grabbed my hand and she said, "Patrick loves you.."

"No, he doesn't.." I said

"Ashley, this was his grandmother's wedding ring. She gave it to him right after the funeral. She told Patrick to give it to the love of his life. When did he give it to you?"

"At the pond after the funeral." I said

Donna started to cry and she said, "Patrick didn't even have that ring for two hours before he gave it to you. He wouldn't give that ring to anyone.."

Suddenly, Auston came over to me.

"Hey babe.." He said to me

He kissed me and he asked, 'How do you two know each other?" 

"We met a few weeks ago after a game." Donna said

Patrick walked out and saw us. He probably wished he could disappear. 

"Mom!" Patrick said smiling

"Hi Patrick.." She said

"Both of you need to stop fighting.. it needs to end, it isn't fair for Ashley to be in the middle of whatever you two have.."

"She's dating me while fucking your son.." Auston said

"No!" Patrick said

"Really? So you are trying to tell me that you two have never slept together?" Auston asked

I looked down. I couldn't lie. 

"I knew it.." Auston said

Donna stood there, floored..

"When did it happen?" Auston asked

"That doesn't matter.. It's over and it shouldn't have happened." I said

"No, I need to know when this happened.." Auston yelled

I started to cry and I said, "It when I went to Buffalo with him.."

"You went to Buffalo with him? So you have been lying to me."

"Yes, he's an ass to me, but he was in no condition to travel alone..." I said

"I love you Ash and I don't want to lose you, but I need time.." Auston said

Auston left pissed and so did Patrick. It was all my fault. I was left alone with Donna, crying.

She hugged me and said, "Things will get better.."

"I'm sorry you had to hear all that."

"I already knew.." Donna said 

"How?" I asked

"He took you to the pond.."

I cried and Donna went and followed Patrick who was pissed.

I avoided Patrick for weeks.. He was so pissed at me for telling Auston. Auston was pissed at and he had a right to be.

I was pretty much alone. Patrick showed up to my house and he said, "I'm sorry.."

"For what?"

"For putting you in this position.." He said

"I deserve it.." I said

Patrick stopped and he said, "Fuck.. I have nothing to lose.. I'm an ass to you because I thought it would help me hate you. I want to hate you, but I can't.. I love you and I can't love you because you are seventeen years old. You are with Auston, a man your age. I hate him.. I hate him because he has the one thing that I don't have. I would trade all my Stanley Cups, I would give up the NHL, I would do anything to have that one thing.. You.." 

I was super emotional and I looked at him and I leaned in and kissed him. He kissed me back and I said, "I'm sorry, this is illegal. I can't do this.."

I left his place and I called Auston and apologized for everything. He said he forgave me and that he was sorry too for fighting with Patrick.

We walked for hours and it felt so good to have my boyfriend back.

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