chapter 43

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Ashley's POV:

I was eight months pregnant. The playoffs had started.

Patrick and I look maternity pictures and he made me do the baby mama dance. We were so ready for this baby.

Ema had called and apologized and I just kinda said whatever. Donna and I still haven't talked and I needed to apologize to her.

Auston was pissed at what happened at the baby shower and we were fighting about me moving to Toronto to be with him.

The hawks made it to the final round and my whole family was in town as my due date was coming up. The Kane's also came into town.

Donna stood outside my door with her family and I immediately hugged her and started crying.

"I'm so sorry.. Thank you for standing up for me and for Patrick. I was being a bitch.."

"No, you were under a lot of stress, but that woman is a bitch and there is no way she was going to get away with slapping you. You are my daughter and you are carrying my granddaughter and I love you.."

"I love you too.." I said as we hugged

It was game seven and it was a tied game. Until, Patrick scored, Duncs scored, and then Tazer scored. This put them ahead by three goals with two minutes to go. They won the Stanley Cup. It was a late game and it was after midnight.

We were all on the ice taking pictures. Suddenly, my water broke.

"Patrick!" I said

"What?" He asked

"My water just broke.." I said

"Really?" He asked

"Yes.." I said

We got off the ice and I changed into a pair of joggers.

He quickly got undressed, showered, and he drove to the hospital. I got all checked in and they were seeing how I was. My water broke and I was having contractions that hurt so bad.

Our family all went home and we said we'd call them with news. It was a really long night. I was in labor for 10 hours and the morning I was still only seven centimeters dilated.

Auston and Patrick were both in the room with Donna and the nurse said, "We are going to have to do a c section if there is no progression in the next hour.."

I was scared. I wanted a natural birth.

"Are there any other options?" Patrick asked

"No, it's putting the baby and Ashley at risk if we wait more than an hour.. There are somethings you could do to try to speed things up.. An orgasm might make things happen a little faster, no penetration.

Patrick and Auston both looked at me and so did Donna. The nurse left and Auston said, "let's do this.."

"It's my baby that we are trying to get out.." Patrick said

"She's going to be my wife.." Auston said

Donna left the room.

"Auston, I love you and you know that, but I think this is something for Patrick... After this, he's the only one I want in here."

"You're going to have sex with him in here, with me outside?" He asked

"Yeah.." I said

"You're cheating then.." He said

"Go sleep with his girlfriend if that makes you feel any better. It's for medical purposes.." I said

Auston left the room and Patrick looked at me and he said, "We're doing this.."

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