chapter 48

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Ashley's POV:

Patrick came in my room and he shut the door and he unzipped my wedding dress and I was wearing a stupid corset that was sucking everything in and it hurt to breathe. He took it off and I was just wearing a white lace thong.

He said, "I've been an ass to you and I just was pissed and things came out that shouldn't have. Truth is, yes you still do have some of the baby weight, but it's only been four months. You should, but you still look amazing... You aren't fat. You are beautiful and I would kiss and touch every inch of your beautiful body.."

Patrick put his hands on my stomach and he kissed my stomach and my hips and I was shaking.

"You are beautiful.. Your body gave us our little girl, that alone is incredible.." Patrick said

I put a shirt on and he said, "I need to head back to get ready.. Is there anything you want to say?"

"No.." I said

"Okay.." He said leaving

Fuck. Why didn't I tell him?

I drove to Patrick's place and I went in and said, "I need to talk to you.."

"It's bad luck for me to see you.." Auston said

"No it's not, because the wedding isn't happening. I'm not ready to get married. I rushed into this relationship for all the wrong reasons. I'm sorry, goodbye Auston.." I said

I left Patrick's place and I got in my car and I drove back home. I was smiling..

"What's up?" My mom asked

"I'm not getting married.." I said with the biggest smile

"Where's Patrick?" Olivia asked

"I don't know.." I said

"Are you back with him?" My mom asked

"No, I'm single.." I said so relieved

Ema left as she was super upset and I didn't care. My dad walked in the door and he gave me the biggest hug.

"I love you and I'm so happy.."

"Me too, I love you dad.." I said

"So what now?" Donna asked

"I have no idea, but I'm happy.." I said

The next day, everyone left and I was alone in my big house with my baby.

I still haven't talked to Patrick, but Olivia was coming over and watching Lauren for the night as we had a game in St. Louis.

All the guys asked how the wedding was, "I'm single and I couldn't be happier.."

All the guys were happy that I didn't marry Auston.

"Are you and Kaner back together?" Crow asked

"No, I'm happy right now with how things are.."

A few weeks passed and Patrick treated me like normal just like anyone else.

"What are you doing for Christmas?" Patrick asked

"I was planning on staying in Chicago.." I said

"I'm going to Buffalo.. Can I have Lauren?" He asked

"No, it's her first Christmas.." I said

"Why do you get her?" He asked

"You can stay in Chicago, have your whole family come. They can stay at my house."

"For once, I'd love for you not to be involved with my family.." Patrick said

"Fine, you can all stay at my house and I will stay at your place." I said

"No, just stay in Chicago with Lauren.." he said

Patrick packed and left the next day for Buffalo. He flew and tomorrow was Christmas Eve.

I woke up hung out with Lauren all morning and in the afternoon my mom called and said they weren't going to make it this year. It was snowing and their plane wasn't leaving until after Christmas day.

I was going to be all alone for Christmas. I went to my room and packed a bag for me and I packed a bag for Lauren. I packer her portacrib, stroller, our bags, and lots of other important things.

I got in the car and I drove to Buffalo. It was already 5 pm, by the time we got there with it being dark, it was about 11:30pm when I pulled into Patrick's house. I went inside and no one was there. I got Lauren back in the car and I drove to his parents.

There was no answer. I drove to Patrick's favorite place and his New York car was there with a few other cars. I got out and I carried Lauren with me. Donna was right there and she said, "let me take the baby."

"Where is everyone?" I asked

"Sledding, running around.. Patrick's over there." She said

I looked and there was Patrick sitting on the bench. I walked over to him and I said, "Hey, I'm sorry.. My parents couldn't make it and I was wrong not to come here in the first place. She's ours and she should be with both us, especially on Christmas.."

Patrick looked at me and he said, "Merry Christmas.."

He handed me his grandma's ring back and I said, "I told you to give it to Lauren.."

"It's yours.." He said

I put it on my finger and Patrick looked at me and smiled.

"What's wrong?" I asked

"Nothing... I'm just cold.."

"You're acting weird.." I said

He threw a snowball at me and he said, "No, I'm not.."

We were both standing up and it started snowing.

"This is beautiful.." I said looking at the snow with the full moon

Patrick got down on one knee and he said, "We have a lot to work on, but I never want to lose you again. You are the love of my life and I want to spend forever with you, our daughter, and our future kids. I love you so much.. Ashley Ella Hastings, will you marry me?"

I was crying. This was not real. "Of course.." I said

Patrick stood up and he kissed me and then he put my ring on my finger. He hugged me and I said, "I thought this ring was at the bottom of the lake.."

"It was, but I hired a scuba diver to find it.."

I laughed and said, "It's beautiful, I love the ring and I love you.."

"I love you too.." He said

I kissed him and he pulled away and said, "Don't hate me, but look to your left.."

I looked and there was his whole family and my whole family. I started crying and he said, "I called your dad and got them to lie to you to fly in here. We knew you'd show up and Christmas Eve is kinda our thing, so I figured what better way celebrate it.."

"I don't deserve you.." I said kissing him

I ran up to my family and I held up my hand and said, "I'm engaged to Patrick!"

"It's about time!" My mom said hugging me

My dad hugged Patrick and he said, 'I couldn't be happier.."

I held my daughter and I said, "Mommy and daddy are getting married!"

We took lots of pictures and Donna said, "We'll take Lauren for the night.."

"Thank you mom." Patrick said

"First, we need to go sledding." I said

We all walked over to the hill and Patrick and I went down together holding our baby. After, the parents left and so did our siblings. I was alone with Patrick.

We went to my car and he looked at me and said, "It's a tradition, right?"

I kissed him and we crawled in the backseat.

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