Do you understand how much i love you?

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Jade's POV
I got the phones, yes, phoneS. I got Megan one,too and I got me one.

Megan was obsessed with the white one so I didn't have to ask her

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Megan was obsessed with the white one so I didn't have to ask her.

I came back to the hospital and Megan was going out the gate of the hospital

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I came back to the hospital and Megan was going out the gate of the hospital. "Megs!" I yelled.

She turned and smiled when she saw me. "Hey.".

"That's for you.." I smirked.

"What's!. Jade.." she frowned as she looked inside the bag.

"Shh..please take it..I love you." I kissed her cheek and went to Adri.

I came in and she was sleeping. I smiled at how pretty she looks. I came closer to her and held her hand and laid my head on her thigh without hurting her.

I went to court and they were sentenced for 2 years in prison few hours ago.I  laid on the couch and watched TV. Ashley came in and checked on her. "She may be going out tonight.." she smiled at me.

"Really??!!" I sat up. "Yeah..she's doing good..but the doctor will decide.." she left the room.

I continued watching tv and decided to unbox my new phone. It looks so good!. I took my medicine and I may or may not have woken her up. She smiled at me and kissed me. "Baby.." she smiled.

I looked at her and came closer. "Yes baby.." I kissed her.

"Please tell me you didn't do it.." she pouted. "Well, unfortunately I did.." I laughed.
I gave her the box and she smiled. "It looks so much prettier in real life!!" She groaned. "So do you.." I smirked.

The doctor came in and told Adri she's doing really well. And that she needs to walk for half an hour everyday. He also told us she's going out at midnight. "I'm gonna give you a cream that you should apply to your legs every 2 hours.." he said. We nodded and he left.

I took her hand in mine and kissed it. "You'll love the mansion a lot.." I smiled.
She smiled and looked at her new phone.

If you hate me that much, let me go! (TeacherxStudent) gxgWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt