Which color?

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I came in slowly and she looked at me and sighed. "I thought you left.." she sat up slowly. "No baby..I wouldn't leave..what did you need?.." I kissed her.

"I need to use the toilet.." she coughed.
I removed the covers and held both of her hands as I helped her get to the bathroom.

She got in and I went out for her to have some privacy. She stood up and flushed then knocked the door for me to come in and help her.

I helped her get back to her hospital bed and kissed her forehead. "Are you hungry?..I can get you some Taco Bell.." I widened my eyes and chuckled.

"Oh goodness yes please.." she pouted.

"Okay baby..here's the remote if you wanna switch the channel.."

There was a knock on the door and a familiar face came in. I smiled as I looked at who it was and my smile faded immediately..I didn't know who it was first..I forgot how she looked like..why is she here?.

Adriana was confused. "Jade??.." the women gasped.

"What're you doing here??!" My fists clenched.

"I'm sorry isn't this Alex cooper's room?.." she asked the nurse.

"You flew 6 hours for a stranger but didn't call me once?.." I teared up.

Adriana held my hand. "Baby what's happening??..".

"You've got a girlfriend? What a disgrace.." she giggled.

"Mom..I missed you..and you're still saying I'm a disgrace?..I know I am..because I didn't kill myself a year ago when You divorced dad and left me..are you aware that I have a sister who's 4 years older than me?? And you didn't tell me about her??...why are you not answering when I call you?..why do i keep hearing your voicemail??..why mom?? Why do you hate me so much??..what did I do wrong??? Tell me!!. Mom I missed you..I really did...and you came here accidentally..wanting to visit another person..who means to you more than I'll ever mean to you..why did you do this??..I was abused..can you see this???" I lifted up my shirt to show her a scar because of my dad.

"Can you see it, mom???...I've been a punching bag to him..I raised myself..no one did..mom why do you hate me so much I need to know..please.." I cried even harder.

Adriana's jaw clenched. As she held my hand harder. Mom stayed silent and was about to leave.

"And all the money you stole from him is nothing compared to what I got..I got everything he owns...everything!!! And I'm gonna make your life a living hell believe me..I'm gonna show you how bad it feels to be sooo brokennn!!!" I cried as I came closer to her. She stopped and looked me in the eyes.

"Mom..for the last time I'm asking you..why?.." My face is now all red.

She left and I fell against the wall and closed my eyes. "Baby..come here." Adriana said.

I stood up and came closer to her. "It's okay..don't cry baby..What time is it?.." she asked.

I looked at my watch. "2 am.." I kissed her hand.

"I'm sorry about what happened.." she frowned.

"It's okay..don't be...I'm gonna go get you the Taco Bell from downstairs.." I kissed her.


I went out of the room. Ashley came to me and rubbed my shoulder. "It must be hard..be strong..your girlfriend needs you..".

I nodded and smiled as I saw my mom taking out a necklace from her purse. "That's mine..." I said from a distance.

She looked at me and frowned. "It's mine don't give it to anyone.." I shrugged and went downstairs.

If you hate me that much, let me go! (TeacherxStudent) gxgDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora