Send me a song, let's call it ours.

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I rested my head on her shoulder and she kept smoking. "Sorry.." she said and was gonna stub the cigarette out. "No it's ok...I kinda like the smell now.." I chuckled.

"Oh my're in second hand smoke.." she laughed

"Let me try tho.." I pouted.

She inhaled the smoked then kissed me passionately as the smoke went in my mouth and she pulled as I exhaled it.

I was closing my eyes and she laughed. "Your lips..." I said.


"Your lips..give them to me..they taste so good.." I kissed her again passionately.

"I love the song we were dancing to.." she said between the kisses.

" know what?..send me a song, let's call it ours." I smiled and opened my eyes.

She gave me a beautiful smile and unlocked her phone.

She sent me a song called Blue Jeans by Lana Del Rey of course. I played it and we sang.

You fit me better than my favorite sweater..~

We hugged and I got to smell the back of her neck which always has a unique smell to it. That may sound weird but it is what it is...

It was still 10 pm and we got cuddly and I straddled her and buried my face in her neck as she rubbed my back and smoked.

I will love you till the end of time, I would wait a million years.

"Give me some, don't be selfish.." I pouted and she giggled and put the back of the cigarette in my mouth and I inhaled.

"Goddammit Adri that's disgusting.." I coughed.

She laughed so hard "you asked for it..".

Vanessa's POV
I went to the roof to take the stuff I left there earlier. And found them again. I can't unsee it..

I saw Miss Smith put the cigarette in Jade's mouth as she coughed. "Goddammit Adri that's disgusting.."

They looked so cute I don't want them to get caught. I stared at them as they hugged and Jade said in her ear. "Are you coming to the graduation party?..".

"Yes baby..of course." Adriana giggled.

Jade smiled and kissed her. They were singing softly to the song as they looked at the view.

Jade slowly balled herself in Adriana's lap as she wrapped her arms around her and yawned. "Is it late?.." Jade asked.


"Would you take me home..." Jade smirked.

"My home or your home?.." Adriana raised the usual eyebrow she raises at us.

"Doesn't matter as long as you're there.."


I took my stuff and stole another glance at them as Adriana stood up and took Jade's hand. "Let's go baby..".

I hurried downstairs and saw Barbara fixing her makeup in the washroom. "Is the night still going?.." I asked.

"Not really..I think they're gonna take us home's 11pm.."

Adriana came in and looked at the mirror and smiled. She sees her baby in herself. Or else, she wouldn't have smiled at the mirror like a creep.

"Promise you'll remember that you're, can you see through the tears? you more, than those bitches before.." she said as she looked at Barbara

If you hate me that much, let me go! (TeacherxStudent) gxgМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя