Chapter Thirty Seven

Start from the beginning

"We can't do that...that's mean" she said and Max frowned.

"But don't you want to get back at him?" He asked and Ceres shook her head again.

"Roman did what he did for a good reason...if we did that, it would be for a bad reason" she said and I couldn't help but smile at her good morals.

I don't know who taught her to be this way, or if she made herself this way but it was really a godsend.

"Bah, you're no fun" Max said before giving Ceres a little flick to the forehead to which she frowned and put her hands where Max flicked her.

As I watched the endearing scene, I couldn't help but think that it was a little quiet this morning. Dad and Lance were still away on their trip, Roman was in his room, and I'm assuming Ares is still asleep. As for Lucas, he had left for his only class earlier this morning.

The peace was quite nice for a change since we rarely got to experience it in this hectic household.

~ Later That Week ~

By the time I had reached the infirmary, everyone else was already here and even Ceres' friends who were all wearing worried faces sat in the side of the room.

"Kade, did you run here?" Roman asked when seeing me out of breath. I took a moment to catch my breath as I had indeed ran all the way here after recklessly parking my car in the school lot.

"That doesn't matter. What happened?" I said in one breath as I looked around waiting for someone to explain to me what had happened to Ceres.

I was at work when I had gotten a call from the school telling me that Ceres was in the infirmary with a head injury. It had scared every bone in my body thinking of all the possibilities that fell in line with a head injury and it pissed me off that the woman I was on the phone with hadn't even bothered to elaborate and just hung up.

"I don't know, we were just getting ready to leave the classroom when she passed out and hit her head on the desk" Ross said with a frown that was unusual for the mischievous boy.

"Do any of you have an idea as to why she passed out?" Lucas asked and Hayden who was seemingly pale spoke up.

"I think she's sick. She didn't look so good when she came in this morning but kept saying that she was fine. I'm sorry, I feel like this is my fault. I should have encouraged her to go to the nurse sooner" he said and Roman put a hand on his shoulder.

"No, don't blame yourself. You couldn't have seen this happening" he said and Hayden sighed.

"Has anyone contacted Lance and Dad?" I asked and Max nodded.

"Dad's phone went to voicemail but Lance picked up and said he'll relay the message. He also asked us to keep him updated" Max said and I nodded.

Just then, the doctor had come out from the room Ceres was in and he had everyone's attention immediately.

"I can see that you're all worried but there's no need to be. She's doing alright. She just has a bump on her head from when she fell. You can see her but only two at a time as to not overwhelm her"

"You guys go first" Ares said to Roman and I who also looked at the others for confirmation. I nodded thankfully to them and rushed inside of the room with Roman tailing behind me.

When seeing Ceres with the white bandage wrapped around her head, I couldn't help the frown that found it's way on my lips. I hated the fact that she had gotten hurt but there was nothing I could do since I wasn't around to prevent it from happening.

It made me wonder if she had only recently gotten sick or had been sick for some time and was hiding it in hopes of getting better without anyone noticing. That was something she would do and that little habit of hers worried me greatly at times. I understood that she didn't want us to worry but when it came to her health, I wish she would let us.

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