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It has been eighteen years since Isabella and Jaxon had gotten married. Jaxon has been training Bailey to take over the Mafia since he was thirteen.  Isabella was not t0 thrilled about this.  She didn't want any of their kids to take over but she had accepted it. Tayler was set to go to Vanderbilt to become a pediatrician.  Vanderbilt has been scouting her since she was a freshman. Isabella was so proud of Tayler and her accomplishments.  They have had a few scares with Tayer's medical history but it pushed Tayler more into become a doctor.

Isabella and Jaxon had two more kids. They weren't twins this time. They had two girls.  Jaxon had a soft spot for his little girls.  He would spoil the to death.  He could hardly say no to them. Isabella was the one who had to step up and say no.

Their third child, Cat, was thirteen.  She was preparing to go into middle school.  Jaxon and Isabella weren't looking forward to the drama she was going to bring home. Tayler never brought home drama.  She was always focused on her studies. That's always one thing that will always remind Isabella of herself in Tayler.

Their fourth child, Abby, was nine.  She was going to be their last child.  Isabella wanted a big family but Jaxon had concurs about safety.  So Isabella settled for four. Isabella love spending time with Abby.  Abby was still young enough to play with and take out to do fun things with. Since Jaxon was training Bailey they were gone a lot.  They made sure to be home one day on the weekend tho. It would be their family time.

There have been a few attacks toward Isabella since they Defeated the South Gang but not much. Jaxon had make sure to know about everything going on in his Mafia.  He even knew about every attack that was going happen.  He made sure to keep his family safe.

Jaxon was ready to pass down the Mafia but he didn't want to pass it to his son so young.  Even tho Bailey has had several years of training Jaxon knew he was not ready to take over.  That this would be took much responsibility for him. Jaxon was going to be the leader for a few more years then pass it down. He knew Bailey would be ready in a few more day but right now he wasn't.

Isabella was helping Taylor pack for college.  Jaxon and Isabella would be driving her to the airport tomorrow. She was suppose to call when she first checked into her dorms. Isabella was sad to see her go but she grew up.  It was time for her to go. It was time for all their lives to move on.

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