Chapter Eleven

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The day went by fast at Magic Mountain.  Isabella had dragged Jaxon on every ride that was open.  Even the little kid rides.  They had a fun time laughing and joking with each other. 

The park was going to close in about an hour so Isabella thought it was time to make her escape.  She lead Jaxon to a bathroom that had two exits. She told him she would be right back. She made her way in.  She did use the restroom but then she went out the opposite side she came in.  She walked the opposite way they walked to the bathroom. Then circled around to the front of the park.  She got a cab to take her to the train station.

She bought a ticket to Boston.  She had always wanted to live there and now was her chance.  She had to get as far away from Jaxon as possible.  She couldn't let him find her.

The train was leaving in a few hours so she spent the time looking for a cheap place to stay.  She had some money saved that she would use.  She found a two room house for rent.  It was a little much but she could manage.  She called the realtor and put in a application.  She told the realtor she could pay first and last and had enough savings to have three more moths of rent if needed.   She would get a call sometime tomorrow if she got the house.

Isabella settled into the bus.  It was going to take a few days to get to Boston since it's across the country. They did have some pit stops to make. Isabella was seated next to a little girl.  Isabella wondered what her child would be like. If it would be a boy or a girl.  If she was going to have more than one child.  She was very curious and needed to find out. She made a mental note to see a doctor first thing when she got to Boston.

After about six hours on the bus they made their first pit stop.  It was in a small town in the state over.  Isabella went into the convenient store to get a few snacks and to use the restroom. She settled on a fruit can and some crackers. She didn't want to eat too much in case she got morning sickness.

The time came to get back on the bus.  Isabella sat in her same seat.  She admired the little girl next to her. She was young but could take care of herself. She wanted her kids to be like that. She wanted to raise her kid to be independent and strong.

She thought about how she was going to take care of her and her kid while drifting to sleep.

Jaxon had been waiting outside the bathroom for a while.  He thought maybe Isabella had morning sickness and was taking  while. He had been waiting but was getting very nervous. He decided to go into the bathroom even though he was a guy.  The girls were screaming for him to leave but he explained he was looking for his girlfriend. Jaxon searched the whole bathroom but Isabella was not in there.

He took out his phone dialing his men.  He has all his men at the park as fast as possible.  He told them to search the park until they found her.  He was not letting her go again. His men searched and searched but they came up empty.  She was gone.

Jaxon called for his hacker to hack the cameras.  The hacker was able to place her coming out of the bathroom on the other side but then she's gone. They have no trace of her after that.

Jaxon went home and called every Mafia and Gang in the area. They all said they have not seen her nor had they token a girl today. Jaxon had his hands tied. He had no clue where she had disappeared off to.  Then he had an idea.  He had his hacker hack every airport, train station, bus station, and rental car service.  He hack the records and the video.

Jaxon came up empty.  She had not been in any records but then the hacker found the video of her buying a ticket.  He showed it to Jaxon. They did not know where she bought a ticket to tho.  They followed her on the video till she entered the bus.  The video did not catch were the bus was going.

Jaxon used his last option to go to the bus station with her picture and see if they could tell her where she is going.  The drive was short but it felt like a year to Jaxon.  He couldn't understand why she left.

Jaxon went straight up to the counter Isabella bought her ticket at.  She showed the lady a picture of Isabella but they lady didn't recognize her.  Plus she couldn't give that information out without a warrant. Jaxon didn't know what to do at this point.  He had lost her and lost her for good.

He would hate to admit it to anyone but he had fallen in love with her.  He was going to propose tonight once they got home and tell her how much he loved her.  I guess he will never have a wife. I guess he was meant to be alone.

For once, Jaxon went home and cried himself to sleep. Jaxon did not know when the last time was he cried because he hated to cry.  She tore him apart so much.  He loved her.  He was going to marry her and she just left.

Jaxon spent the next few days laying in bed depressed.  He knew he still had the possibility to find her but she left on her own.  She could of stayed if she wanted to be with him but she didn't.  She left him heart broken.  And he hopes she finds her happiness but he knows he will never find love again. It was really nice being with her and he hated it ended but he was not going to go after her.

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