Chapter Five

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Isabella sent the past few days in Jaxon's house.  Most of the days, she stayed in his room and cried.  She couldn't believe what her life has turned out to be.  Her high school sweet heart was killed brutally and the same people are coming after her.  She put her students in danger because of the mistakes Jack made. She is also putting Jaxon's life in danger every minute she stays at his house.

Isabella has tried to leave several time but Jaxon's men won't let her.  He put orders for her to stay inside the house at all times unless he was to take her out.  If she stepped outside a guard would bring her back in.  She has given up on leaving.

Jaxon has spent his days working.  He hates leaving Isabella alone in the house but he needs to get down to the bottom of the south gang.  They keep trespassing on his territory and doing little crimes.  They have tagged buildings and have even burned down some of ware houses.  Those ware house were used for Jaxon's torturing and questioning. Some of his men were in those ware houses when they burned down.  The south gang is lucky no  one was killed.

Jaxon was tracing down a lead. Supposedly the south gang had a hide out in an abandoned building.  Jaxon and his gang were checking it out. Jaxon split his team in half.  Half went in through the back while the other half went in through the front.  They all had their guns pointed high ready to shoot.  Any one they came in contact with that wasn't in their gang would be shot dead.

Jaxon's gang found the building completely empty. There was sings of people living in it tho.  There was food scattered around as well as gun shells.  They had made a target on a bean.  It had a ton of gun shots in it. He could tell they were practice for something.  Then Jaxon found a note. It red:

When you are here searching this place, I'll be in your home taking your girl.

Jaxon was pissed he let so many guys come with him.  He should have know better.  He should have had people with Isabella.  Now he could of lost her.

Jaxon was very pissed at himself.  He kept trying to call his house but there was no pick up.  Over and over it went to voice mail.  He was speeding down the roads to get to his house.  When he got to his house, bodies where scattered every where.  No one was alive. He ran to his room and saw it empty. Then the same with the safe room. On the bookshelf in the safe room was another note.

Catch us if you can!

Jaxson shouldn't have been so stupid.  He knew something like this was going to happen but he didn't listen to his inner voice.  Now he has lost Isabella for good unless he could find her before they kill her.  He thought that wasn't lucky.  The south gang wanted revenge and now they have it.  The only girl he was willing to settle down with was taken.  They will most likely kill her in less than twenty four hours. He needed to get started on finding her.

Isabella was woken up from her nap with gun shots.  She could hear people coming up the stairs.  She took cover under the bed. The foot steps came closer until they were right outside the door.

"Boss, she's in here."

Isabella knew that voice.  That was the voice of Seth, Jaxon's right hand man.  This must of been how they were able to get through security. Jaxon had the whole house surrounded by an electronic gate that has to be open with a guard or a pin. Plus guards guard the house twenty four seven. It would make since if they had someone on the inside.  The only question is why would Seth help?

Seth lead the men into the bedroom.

"She should be here.  Check around." The guys started to check the room.  They went into the closet and bathroom but still found nothing.  That's when Seth had a brilliant idea to check under the bed.  "Here she is," Seth said while dragging Isabella out from under the bed.  They proceeded to tie her hands and ankles up.  They shoved a cloth in her mouth.  Finally, the stuck a needle in her neck making her pass out.

Isabella tired to put of a fight with the men but she was no used against several of them. She was one small women against several huge men.  She sanded no chance against them.

When Isabella woke up she didn't know where she was at.  It looked like they were in a car driving.  She had a blindfold and was still tied up. She could feel she was moving at a very fast pace.  She didn't know if the men knew she was wake and she hoped they didn't.  she wanted to see if she could try and make a run for it.

The car came to a stop suddenly.  Isabella jerked forward due to her not wearing a seat belt. The men were instantly by her door.  They threw her over her shoulder and brought her into the building.  While she was over their shoulder, she took her blindfold off and somersaulted over the guys shoulder. She ran toward the woods.

Isabella continued to run until she felt strong arms wrap around her waist. "Where do you think your going?" asked a men with a deep voice. "Now we get to punish you."

The man carried Isabella back to the building.  Isabella was screaming and kicking trying to get free. The man did not care.  He brought her back into the room and tied her to the bed.  He graded and blade from the wall outside the room and cut an inch wide ways down her arm.  He did this several times, making her scream out in pain.  She couldn't take the pain anymore.  She started to get light headed.  Before she passed out she felt something insert into her down below.  Next, thing she knew she was passed out.

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