Chapter seventeen

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Jaxon had kept Isabella up till midnight that night.  He wanted to spend as much time with her as possible.  When the time came for her to be transferred he called his men.

"So I'm going to give you a sedative.  You and most of my men will have them. It's to keep your location a secret."

"Is it safe for the baby?"

"Yes, I got it approved by the doctor."

"Okay." Isabella gave Jaxon her arm willingly. She understood this was for her safety annd she was not going to fight it.  Jaxon slowly put the needle in, squirting the clear liquid into her upper arm.

"Once you and most of my men are asleep, I'll transfer you to the safe house."

"Okay." Isabella said sleepy.

Jaxon carried Isabella over to the bed, placing her down on her side. Then he went to meet up with his men. They where already gather in Jaxon's office.

"Okay. If you are Jack and Mikey. I'll need your help carrying the sleeping bodies to the car. Everyone else please line up to get your sedative."

Four men step up in front of Jaxon.  Jaxon pulls out four fresh needles. One by one he sticks them in their arms pushing in the clear liquid. He sets them down in a seat.  Then Jack and Mikey start to load the men into the cars. Last but not least was Isabella.

Jaxon was the one to place Isabella in the car.  He wanted to do it himself in case he never got to see her again.  He gave her a good bye kiss.  Then he closed the door and watched Jack drive off in to the night.

Jaxon went back into the house.  He went back into his office to prepare for the fight that was about to go down in the next few days. He didn't know how he was going to pull it off but he has to.  He has to for Isabella's and his kid's lives.

He called for all of he men to come in to his office.  They had to discuss a plan and be prepared.  All of his men had showed up right on time and got right down to talking.  No one was going to rest until Isabella was safe.  Jaxon would make sure of that.

Isabella woke up several hours later in a strange bed.  She got up to wonder around the house.  She notice there was always at least one person watching her wherever she goes. She heard her stomach grumble so she decided to go to the kitchen.

When she arrived at the kitchen there was already food on the table.  Some of the men where seated eating food. Isabella went to the table and pulled up a chair. She grabbed a plate and filled it with everything. Bacon, Eggs, Pancakes, and so much more.  The men looked at her like she was crazy.

"What. I'm a pregnant women.  I eat a lot."

All the men turn to look away. Isabella dug straight into her food.  She went to take a bite out of her eggs but then felt pain in her lower stomach.  She screamed out in pain.

"Isabella? Are you okay?"

"Yeah, just some prebirth contractions."

Isabella tried to go back to eating when she got more pain in her lower stomach.  This time Isabella felt her stomach and she was all wet.

"Umm, I'm in labor."

The men looked at each other confused about what to do. Then the started to whisper to each other.

"I know my doctors number.  Just give me a phone."

The men asked each other if they should but then decided to.  They handed Isabella a burner phone.  Isabella dialed the number to her doctor.

"Hello this is doctor Torres."

"Hey, this is Isabella.  I'm in labor.  What do we do?"

"Are you in San Diego yet?"


"Okay. Then you need to go to the ER.  The Babies are under six months.  They are going to have many complications.  They are going to need a good medical team. I'll book the next flight out to meet you but you need to go to the ER for both yours and your babies lives."

"Okay. Thank you."

Isabella hung up the phone and handed it back to the men. She had no clue how she was going to convince the men to take her the ER.  

"What did the doctor say?" asked Jack.

"I need to go to the ER.  She said this could kill both me and the babies if I don't."

"We can try. We'll have to tell boss later tho. Mikey pick her up bridal style and carry her to the car please. You to guard the house.  The rest of you come, now."

Isabella was in a lot of pain.  She was screaming so much.  The men threw her in the car ans sped to the hospital.  They ran every light they could and went over the speed limit.

When they got to the ER Isabella was in so much pain she kept going in and out being awake. The doctors and nurses came rushing to help Isabella.

"Who's the father?"

"None of use."

"Do any of you know the history?"

"Not really?"

"Csection," Isabella said barley above a whisper.

"What sweetie?"

"My doctor wants a csection.  I'm less then six months, pregnant with twins."

"Get an OBGYN in here now."

A new doctor comes running in.  She is holding a portable ultrasound machine. She puts the gel on Isabella's stomach then the machine. She moves it around on my stomach.

"We need to get her into the OR now.  She needs an emergency csection."

Isabella is reaching out for the men but they are being pushed back. The doctors are not allowing the men to be near Isabella.  They did not know they where there to protect Isabella. The nurses rushed Isabella to the OR and gave her the medicine. Isabella only felt pressure from hear on out.

"Okay Isabella. We are going to make an cut on your stomach now."

Isabella sat there during the whole thing. She did not move a muscle. Then there was a bit of pressure that Isabella couldn't take. Isabella moved but then she heard the cry of her first baby. Isabella started to cry.

"Congrats! You have a girl."

"Can I hold her?"

"I'm sorry.  Her development is so far behind.  We got to take her straight up the nursery."

Then there was that pressure again. Then the second cry.

"Congrats! You also have a baby boy. You can hold him. He looks to be perfectly healthy."

They set down they baby boy on Isabella's chest.  She looked down in awe at him while braking down crying. If only Jaxon was here.

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