Chapter thirteen

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Jaxon was tired of laying around all day.  He decided to get up and do some work. He was still getting some leads on the south gang.  Apparently they had a back up leader. If any thing were to happen to the leader someone new would take over and to finish the job.  This was a big problem.  This means they were still coming after Isabella.

Jaxon had no clue how he was going to protect Isabella now. With her running he couldn't keep eyes on her.  She had stepped out of his territory. She was now on someone's else's territory which could be very bad. If she makes one wrong move she will be dead.

Jaxon knew she ran for a reason.  That reason was probably him but he needed to protect her. He needed to find a way to find her.  He wouldn't make her come back but he would have someone watching her at all times.

The first step to finding her was to find her family. He knew if he found someone in her family they could lead him to her. He started to look at the background check he got on Isabella when she first arrived. It had all the information on her family, the schools she went to, and her close friends. He had never looked through this file before but it was time.

Jaxon had found out that Isabella's family had moved to the area after Isabella's ex boyfriend died. This would be perfect.  If they were in the area he could use them to get to her.

Jaxon went to stake out their house. He saw Isabella had a little brother who happened to be around 17 or 18. Then he saw her parents.  They looked sad.  They looked like they lost someone. Isabella's little brother got in his car to drive off.  Jaxon decided to follow him.

Jaxon had stayed three to four cars behind Isabella's little brother. He followed her little brother straight to target.  Jaxon parks and follows her little brother inside.  Her little brother goes over to a health care section. Her little brother was looking at buying condoms,  that's when Jaxon made a move.

"You look familiar."

"I'm sorry but I have never met you before."

"Do you have a sister?"

"Yes I do."

"Would her name happened to be Isabella?"

"Yes, do you know her?"

"I used to.  I really need to get in touch with her.  Can you call her for me?"

"Yah, hold on."

Isabella's brother takes out his phone.  He checked his messages then went to dial her number.  Before he hit call Jaxon told his hacker to track the phone call.

"What's up little bro," Isabella said while answering the phone.

"I wanted to call to check up on you. Mom and Dad have been really worried," Jacky said, lying about the real reason why he called.

"I'm okay. What's up with you."

Before Jacky could respond, Jaxon dropped something off the shelf.

"Who's with you Jacky?" asked Isabella, scared.

"No one." he lied again

"Don't be ling to me."

"Hello Isabella." Jacky heard his sister's breath stop.  He didn't know what happened.

"What did you do to him Jaxon?"

"Nothing your brother is fine. I was wondering where you went. He helped."

"I ran for a reason. Don't come after me," with that Isabella hung up her phone.

Jaxon was flabbergasted.  He wasn't not expecting that reaction out of Isabella.  She was pissed he called her.  What happened between the two of them.  They had such a great day at six flag before Isabella took off and left.

Jaxon then texted his hacker to find her location.  The hacker told him she was somewhere in Boston but it wasn't a definite location. At least Jaxon knew where to start looking.

Jaxon had booked a trip to Boston with some of his men.  He was not going to approach her but he wanted to make sure she was safe.  He was going to assign his men to stay and watch.  They where also suppose to try and convince Isabella to come home.

Isabella had spent the next few days looking for a job. The store had decided to go in another direction so she was still on a hunt for a job.  She had gone to several accountant shops and stores looking for one. So far she was out of luck.

She needed to find a job soon. If she didn't she will probably have to move back home with her parents.  She did not want that.  It would mean she would be by Jaxon again.

Right now Isabella was at an accountant shop.  They had an opening and she was waiting for an interview. She was one of several people here for an interview.  It looked like they were doing group interviews.

Then the manager comes out.  She calls all them in to start the interview.

Isabella thought the interview went well.  She would have to wait 24 to 48 hours to find out. She really needed a job.  Her savings was almost up.  She was running out of resources fast.

Isabella decided to take a walk to a park. She was scoping them out for when she would have her kids. She wanted them to always be safe.  Their safety means everything to her. She was almost at the park when she noticed someone following her.  She makes a right turn on to the alley.  The guy follows suit. She hides behind the dumpster.  He looks confused.

"Boss I've lost her," the guy said into his phone.

"Find her.  She's not safe.  We need to keep her safe."

Isabella know the voice on the other side of the phone.  Jaxon had finally found her but he didn't come himself. Isabella step out from behind the dumpster knowing she could trust Jaxon's men.

"What did Jaxon mean by I'm not safe."

"I don't know what you are talking about?"

"Then take me to Jaxon."

"I don't know if Jaxon would allow that."

"Do it or I will never come back!"

"Follow me."

Isabella follows the guy out to the main street.  He finishes the walk to the park.  He walks up to a black SUV.  He opens the passenger door.  I get in to see a shocked Jaxon.

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