Chapter fifteen

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Isabella was nervous for her arrival back home. She had grown so much on her own and now she was adding Jaxon back into the mix.  She needed to have a very long talk with Jaxon about what had happen to her but she didn't think she was ready.  She didn't know how he would react to what happened.  Isabella didn't want Jaxon to get angry and storm out.  He has a tendency to do that when he is mad.

Isabella also knew she had to have a conversation with Jaxon about the babies. She wants to know his intentions with them and how he will treat them.  She is still very uncomfortable with him taking on this responsibility.  She feels he should back off and let her raise them but as he said it, "the baby is apart of you."

Isabella found out Jaxon had met all of her family when he was looking for her. Jaxon had told her, her family had moved to LA to look for her when her ex died. They were scared when she ran away.  They wanted to make sure she was okay but when they came she was gone.  They couldn't find her anywhere.

Jaxon was pretending to be looking through a magazine but he was really watching Isabella.  He was unsure if she was ready to come back.  He knew she had run for a reason.  He just couldn't believe that reason was because she thought he didn't love her.  He knew he never told her he loved her but he thought he showed it to her. Jaxon made a promise to himself to always make sure Isabella knew that he loved her.

Jaxon had planned to set up a secret nurseries for the babies but first he wanted to know if Isabella wanted to know the sex of the babies.  He had everything planned out.  He had the perfect Jack and Jill rooms in his house for the nurseries.  He noticed how much Isabella loved the crib in her apartment in Boston and already had his hacker working on tracking two down. He was going to pick out themes for the babies with Isabella to incorporate into the rooms.

Jaxon was really looking forward to the new arrivals.  He had always wanted kids but never thought it would come in his lifestyle. He knew a family and kids could put his life at risk as well as all of theirs.  He was never expecting to fall in love. If he didn't meet Isabella in the club that day his live would never be here.  He is so grateful for not turning around and fucking another girl that night.  He is so happy he decided to play along with Isabella's games.

The plane was almost back to LAX. Jaxon had moved over to sit next to Isabella.  He noticed she was in so sort of daydream but it looked bad. It looked like she was having a nightmare awake.

"Isabella?" Jason asked trying to shake her out of it.  It made Isabella worse. She started to shake rapidly and hit her head against the back of her seat.  Jaxon ran quickly to the bar and grabbed some ice.  He ran back to apply it to Isabella's arms and forehead. Isabella's shaking started to slowly go down but her head was still slamming hard against the back of the seat. Jaxon continued to rub the ice up and down her arms and on her forehead.  Slowly but surly she came out of it.

"Where am I?" Isabella asked confused.

"Where on a plane to LAX.  You where in a flashback I believe.  Are you okay?"

"Yeah I was in a flashback.  Can we start my therapy up again when we get back?"

"Sure thing? Is there any thing you need?"

"Can you sit with me?"


Jaxon sits down beside Isabella.  He reaches over to her and picks her up by the waist, placing her on his lap.  She started to cry so Jaxon pulled her head into his chest and let her cry. He stroked her hair letting her know he is here for her.

"Your okay baby.  I'm not going to let anything happen to you."

Isabella sat there in his chest.  Her crying had died down but she missed his comfort. She never wanted to mover from his arms.

"Excuse me.  We're about to land.  I need you to go to your own seat and put your seat belt on."

Isabella reluctantly got up and went back to her seat.  Jaxon immediately reached out to grab her hand, not letting her go. He was never letting her go again.

Isabella braced for the way down while Jaxon just stared at Isabella. He was so ready for their life together.  He couldn't wait.

Isabella on the other hand was still a little unsure. She knew she loved Jaxon but she didn't want to put her kids in danger everyday. They were going to be in danger anyways now but of her involvement with him.  She figured it was safer for them to be in Jaxon care everyday then separated from him.

When the plane landed Isabella and Jaxon got straight up.  Isabella was happy to be home.  Jaxon was happy to have her back. 

Jaxon had his man waiting outside the plane to take them back to the house.  He still had to tell Isabella the safety precautions he had put into place to keep her safe.  She was not going to be happy about them but they where for her safety.  He was also trying to work out some safety measures for the kids when they where born if the South gang was not taken care of by then.

The ride was quite. They were both nervous to see how things will go down.  It will take time to heal from Isabella leaving. Jaxon was planning to wait a while before proposing.  He didn't know if he could be hurt again. And Isabella knew she was never going to leave again.  Jaxon was the best thing that had happen to her.  She wanted to cherish it.

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