Chapter sixteen

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It had been a couple of weeks since Isabella had come back home to live with Jaxon.  Everything has been going good for Isabella. She has been keeping up with her therapy and her doctors appointments.  She was looking at scheduling a c-section for the twins. The doctor had really recommended it.  The doctor wasn't sure if Isabella could carry the twins to a full term. The doctor also said having a natural birth would most likely cause Isabella to go into shock and can cause a higher death rate. Isabella was looking at some dates.  She wanted Jaxon's opinion on it.

Isabella and Jaxon had come to terms on the babies.  Jaxon was ready to take full responsibility for them.  He wanted his name to be put on the birth certificate as the father. He would help pay for their schooling, and medical care. He wanted to pay for them to go to private school.  He said they were the best and he wanted the best for his kids. Yes, he calls them his kids. He was even paying for all of Isabella's medical examinations for them. He turely loved the kids and wanted what was best for them.

Isabella doesn't like the security Jaxon has on her.  She has to have two guy with her wherever she goes. Both the guy have to carry guns on them too.  They have pulled a gun out on one of her friends when they where going to meet up.  If Jaxon was around then only one of the guys would stay. She was only allowed to go to approved places too.  Normally these places are heavily trafficked the people from Jaxon's mafia.

Jaxon has been really worried about Isabella Safety. He knew the South gang knew Isabella was back in town.  Jaxon kept getting threating objects.  He got one of just a doll head when she first arrived.  It had a note telling Jaxon to surrender her. Janxon would do no such thing.  Then about a week later a brick was thrown through he office window.  This time the note told him he had a week to surrender her or they would take her by force. The week was almost up. There has been no sign of them but Jaxon knows they are coming.  He has been trying to put up some more reinforcements but he has been having trouble with his drug ring.

Drugs have been going missing but Jaxon hasn't been able to find it on any of his men.  He knew someone has been sneaking it out somewhere but he can't place who. Jaxon has put several trackers on it but they either come back dead or severely hurt.

Tomorrow Isabella was going to be going to a safe house in San Diego.  Only his second in comand and him know about the house.  Jaxon was going to send ten men with Isabella. His second in command was one of them. He knew she would not be happy but it was for her safety.  Jaxon had arranged for Isabella's doctor to come examine her at the safe house this week.  He was happy because Isabella and him had decided to know the sex of the babies.  This would allow Jaxon to finish the nurseries properly.  He still had to talk to her about the themes.

Jaxon thought it was time to take a break from work and see how Isabella was doing.  He made his way down stairs to the family room where Isabella was watching Finding Nemo. He smiled when he saw her huge stomach.  It was growing really fast.  He loved every part of it.

When he sat down next to Isabella she turned and smiled at him. She got up and climbing into his lap.  Isabella has been very clingy to Jaxon lately.  She wants him to know she will never leave him again. Jaxon wraps his arms around her waist and pulls her closer to him.  He loves how close she is to him.  He wishes he could have her in his office but he can't with all the threatening objects that keep coming through the window.

"I was thinking we could spend the rest of the afternoon together. What do you say?"

"Actually, I was hoping we could do some more baby shopping."

"Babe, I told you I would handle all of that.  Once we know the gender I have a few questions for you.  Then everything will be handled by me."

"Ugg, your so infuriating. Can we go to the  mall then.  I don't fit most of my clothes any more."

"Sure but that means more security."


"I'll call and tell them to meet us at the car."

Jaxon and Isabella made their way to the front door while Jaxon called for more of his men.  When they showed up to the SUV, there was about six guys.  It looked like they where all coming with them.

"Baby. This is too many men."

"It's for your safety."

"Is there something your not telling me?"

"Yes but can we talked about this later."

"No! You will tell me before I get in that car!!"

"The South gang has been sending me some messages.  At first they told me to hand you over.  Then they said I had a week to hand you over or they will take you."

"When  is that week up?"


"Fuck!" Isabella yelled while breaking down. Jaxon pulled her into his chest.  She kept pounding her fist straight to his chest because she wanted to be let go.  Jaxon refused to let her go.  He was going to keep her safe no matter what.

"Baby, I will protect you.  I have something set up but your not going to like it."

"What is the plan."

"We should talk about this in privet. Come here." Jaxon pulls Isabella around the side of the house with no one. "You will be transferred to a safe house at midnight tonight."

"Will you be coming?"

"No. I'll be here for when the South gang comes.  I want to destroy them once and for all."

"Okay, can we go now?"

"Yes Babe."

Jaxon and Isabella made their way back to the car to make their way to the mall.  Jaxon thought it was weird how Isabella let it go so easily but he would let it go for now. Isabella knew not to fight Jaxon on this. She knew he wants what is best for her and if he thinks this is best, then she'll do it.

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