Chapter fourteen

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Isabella got into the car to see a shocked Jaxon.

"What do you mean I'm not safe," Isabella starts off, leaving no room for other conversation.

"Hello to you to Isabella."

Isabella gets a weird feeling about the conversation she is going to have with Jaxon.  She puts her arm over her stomach without realizing.

"So you are pregnant?" asked Jaxon upset.

"Yes I am.  Now why am I not safe."

"The South Gang has a new leader.  They are still going to come after you."

"Is that why you have your men following me again?"

"I want you safe. Please let my men help you.  I have a flight back to LA soon but I wanted to see you were safe for myself."

"I don't need any help!"

"Please, I'm begging you.  Let my men help you.  It's the least you can do for me."

"When I left you, I left your lifestyle too.  I want all of you gone."

"I can't do that!"

"Why not!" yelled Isabella very pissed off.  She didn't want anything to do with Jaxon when she left.  Jaxon is pushing his men on her and she did not like that.

"Because I love you and can't see you hurt," Jaxon whispered as low as he can't.

Isabella had a lot of thoughts running through her head. She couldn't believe he could actually love her.  She was so beaten and abused.  She could barely let him in on some of the things that happened to her.  He doesn't know the half of it. He couldn't love her with how aboused and hurt she is.

She even thought how he could love her when she was pregnant with one of her rapist babies. The sad part is she doesn't know who the baby daddy is because she had multiple rapist.  How could he love someone like this.  Isabella ran to keep him from getting hurt but maybe she ran because she was afraid of getting hurt.

"You can't love me. No one should love me."

Isabella didn't know she was crying until Jaxon had wiped away several tears from her cheek. Jaxon shushed Isabella and tried to pull her into his lap.  Isabella refused to move not wanting his comfort. She felt if she accepted his comfort she would come running back home to him.

"Please let me hold you.  You've gone through so much and I just want to be there for you.  I really do love you."

Isabella could see Jaxon starting to get tears in his eyes.  He was hurt.  Isabella didn't want him to hurt.  She would never admit it to Jaxon face but she loved him.  It would just make things worse.

Isabella decided t0 climb into Jaxon's lap to try and calm him down.  She never meant to hurt him this bad.

"I'm sorry for hurting you.  I had to leave."

"You didn't have to leave. I would have supported you through everything. I love you and I want you home."

Jaxon reached into his suite pocket, pulling out a jewelry box. He handed it to Isabella.  Isabella took it hesitantly. She had a strong feeling not to open the box.  She felt like she would feel worse for leaving.

"I bought it for you.  I was going to ask you at dinner after six flags.  I had it all planned.  After we got out of six flags I was going to take you to your favorite restaurant, Sislers.  Then we were going to eat.  Then before we both got desert I was going to pop the question. I was so heartbroken when I found out you left."

"I had no idea."

"I know. It was going to be a surprise."

Isabella broke down crying even harder. She felt really bad for leaving him like this.  She was considering going back now. He truly cared for her and he wanted to marry her.  How could she be so stupid.

"Your welcome to come home when ever you want but I can't wait on you. You will always have a place in my home because I promised you safety and I keep my promises."

"Can I come home now?"

"You want to do that? I'm not forcing you to come back."

"Yes.  I messed up.  I didn't think you actually loved me. I also didn't want you to raise my babies because they are not yours. I didn't think you could love them. I was mistaken."

"Isabella I have always loved you. From the minute I asked you out I saw a future with you.  I will love the baby no matter what.  The baby is a part of you."

"Babies," Isabella corrected him.


"I'm pregnant with twins. One might actually might be yours."


"I got pregnant on two separate days. One was very recent."


"Yes.  I won't know until they are born tho."

"Okay. Do you really want to come home?"


"Okay.  I'll have the plane prepared for all of us then."

"About the engagement?"


"I will marry you but I want you to propose the right way.  I haven't looked at the ring so it's all good."


"Yes, and since you met my brother. You have to get my father's approval."

"Don't worry about that.  Your family is cool."

Isabella and Jaxon sat in Silence. They were both very happy.  Jaxon was excited for Isabella to come home but that left a bigger chance for the South Gang to hurt her. He was going to take extra precautions to make sure she was safe.

They went back to Isabella's apartment to clean up and get the things she needed. Jaxon had called the pilot and had then plane prepared for everyone. Isabella packed all her clothes and finish deciding on what she will take.

She was sad to leave the crib behind but they had no room to take it.  Plus she was probably going to get matching cribs for both her babies. She was content with her decision and accepting Jaxon back into her life. He was right.  They could have a great future together.  Isabella just needed to let Jaxon in more on what happened to her.

Isabella was planning to start her therapy back up when they got back to LA.  It really helped her and if she was going to let Jaxon in, she was going to need the therapy.

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