Chapter six

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The time for Isabella was passing very slowly.  Isabella was assigned to do house work around the house.  If she didn't do something right they would beat her.  Sometimes they would beat her til near death.  She was getting really tired of the beatings. Sometimes when she would be cleaning a bedroom men would come in and use her for their own pleasure.

Isabella so wanted to end her life.  She had tried sneaking knifes from the kitchen into her bedroom when she was cooking food. They banned her from the kitchen after she tried to take the knifes multiple times.

The gang wanted Isabella alive.  Isabella didn't know why but she thought it was to torment Jaxon.  She knew he had to be connected to this some how but how, she didn't know. They continued to keep her alive.  They wouldn't even let her end her life.

Isabella was in a bathroom cleaning the bath tub. Then a man walked in.  He had a knife.  He went straight over to Isabella.  He pushed up her dress and told her to be quiet. Isabella learned to never fight back.  If she did it made it worse for her.  She lied there at let the men do whatever to her. 

Isabella knew there could be a chance she would get pregnant.  She was only on birth control when she was with Jack. After he died she didn't see a use in it.  She didn't plan on having sex for a long while. She didn't know how soon she would move on.

The men here also don't like to use condoms.  They don't care about the results.  If she got pregnant the gang would take the child as soon as its born. The gang never let the women keep their children.  They would be raised by a group of the men in the gang turning into future gang members.  The little girls would be raised to love the men and accept who they are.  They would be arraigned to married a man in the mafia as soon as they turned sixteen.  The little boys would be taught to show no emotion and to kill without hesitating. If the little boys couldn't do this they would be shot in the center of their eyes.  They would then burn their bodies and spread the ashes in the forest.

Once the guy was done with Isabella he left her in the bathroom crying.  Isabella got up and continued to clean.  She knew if the room wasn't done in time they would beat her. She continued to scrub the bath tub but the stain of blood would not come out.  She didn't know what to do.  If she couldn't get it out then she would be beat.

Isabella tried using her saliva to get the blood out of the tub.  Sometimes it would work for her blood that she got on her clothes.  This happened to work for the tub too. The blood came out but it took some work.

Once the bath tub was finished Isabella moved onto mopping the floor. Her time was about to expire but she still had to clean the room too. She had to rush it finish.

Isabella finished cleaning to bathroom and started to clean the room when the leader walked in.

"Your time is up." Isabella got tears in her eyes. "Take her back to the cell."

A men close to the leader pick her up.  He haled her down to the basement. In the basement was a series of cages.  They were meant to torture people or to kill. Right now they are taking Isabella into one of the torture cells.  They strapped her to a chair and began the intense pain to her body.

They started by beating her with just their fist.  They landed several punches to the face.  Isabella tried to protect her stomach just in case if she was pregnant.  She would not wish this on her child. Next, they took a pole to beat her.  They swung it like a base ball bat to several places to her body. She could hear the crack in her leg form the pole. She screamed out in pain as they hit that spot again. Then they decided to take pliers and rip her nails from her hand. That didn't cause so much pain for Isabella.  What caused the most pain was her leg breaking.  She knew she could not walk for days.

The men left Isabella tied to the chair. They would come to collect her when the boss wanted her next.

Isabella was left in the torture room for several days.  They did not bother to bring her food or water. They left her in the dark.  It looked like Isabella was the only one down there.  When the men came in, they took a picture and left again.

Isabella was able to get the ties off around her wrist. She then moved to undo the ones on her ankles. Once she was free she reached for a knife.  The men had a row of knifes on a wall.  These would be used to torture.  Isabella grabbed one and was about to stab it into her heart when five men came through the door.

"Boss would like to see you," said one of the men with a wicked smile. Isabella thought something was up.  The leader only saw her when she didn't make a dead line. 

Isabella was told to freshen up and change.  That's what Isabella did. Isabella took a shower.  They left her a no cut raiser so she decided to shave everywhere on her body.  When she finished, she put on the slutty clothes they provided for her.  She then did her hair natural with her waves. Once she was ready, she told the guards to take her to the boss.

The men and Isabella walked through the halls. Isabella did not recognize these walls. They were leading her some where new. The men stopped in front of a door made out of pearly wood. One of the guys slapped Isabella on her ass, telling her to enter.

Isabella entered to see the leader having a gun to Jaxon's head.

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