Chapter Nine

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Isabella was making great progress with Dr. Foster.  At first, Isabella was nervous about opening up.  She refused to. She thought Dr. Foster would think she was crazing and was making up what had happen to her.  Dr. Foster on the other hand told her she was so brave for going through it and wanting to work it out.

Isabella started to open up about the small stuff they did to her. Things like them hitting her or pulling her hair.  Now she is starting to open up to her about the bigger stuff. Right now she is talking through the first time she realized they raped her.


It was Isabella's second day with the south gang. She felt very sore in between her legs.  She looked down to see blood.  She couldn't hold in her tears anymore. They all just fell out.  That's when a man comes in. He walks over to Isabella's bed.  He takes out cable ties, tying Isabella down to the bed.

He pushes up Isabella's  dress.  Then pulls down his pants.

Flashback over

Isabella couldn't handle the scene anymore.  She opens her eyes and uses the soothing technique Dr. Foster  showed her. She rocks herself back and forth while taping one shoulder at a time.

"Good Isabella.  You got this."

Isabella continued to rock herself until her crying stopped. She looked up to see a very happy Dr. Foster.

"Your doing a lot better Isabella. At first you couldn't open up at all.  Now you are starting to talk to me about some very bad things that have happened to you. Your making a lot of progress. Are you still having nightmares?"

"Not that much but I did have one last night."

"What was it about?"

Isabella tried to describe her nightmare but she didn't remember most of it herself. This has been happening when she does have nightmares. She could remember them while she was asleep but the minute she would wake up they would be gone.

"It's okay if you can't fully remember.  Your brain can block things out to try and protect you.  It's supposed to help with your emotional state. EMDR can help unlock these memories but it will take some time."

"How long?'

"It's different for everyone. Let's call it a day for today. You did very well.  I'm going to assign you an assignment to do."

"Okay, what is it?"

"Go outside the house with Jaxon.  Jaxon has told me how you've only been staying in.  Take some time out in plublic. It will be good for you."

"Okay, anything else?"

"Nope, have a good day." Dr. Foster and Isabella shake hands before Isabella walks Dr. Foster to the door. She shuts the door to turn around facing Jaxon.

Jaxon brings Isabella in for a tight hug.  He walks her to their bedroom.  They lay down in the bed together like they do after every session. Isabella snuggles into his arms.  She drifts off to sleep but not for long.

Isabella wakes up with a disgusting smell. She runs to the toilet to throw up.  She empties all her stomach.  She was so tired.  She needed more sleep then normal and is always puking.

She walks down stairs finding the smell.  Jaxon was in the kitchen cooking oysters.

"Can you stop cooking thoughs please."


"They made me throw up?"

"Can we have a conversation about something and I'll stop cooking these?"

"What about?"

Jaxon leads Isabella out to the living room but before he turns off the stove. He guides her to sit on his lap while he sat on the couch. Jaxon pulled Isabella head into the crock of his neck and rubbed her hair soothingly.

"Is there a chance your pregnant?'

"Why are you asking this?"

"I'm seeing some of the signs.  You've been really tired lately and you've started to throw up?"

"Yes there is a chance.  I didn't want to admit it.  I don't know who the father would be.  I hate this."

Jaxon shushed Isabella.  He continued to rub her hair while she started to cry.  He wanted to support her no matter what.  He wasn't giving up on their relationship.  He would stay with her no matter what.

"I heard about your assignment from Dr. Foster.  How bout we make a deal."

"Okay? What deal?"

"You can pick what we do but at the end of it, I'll take you to the store to get a pregnancy test."

"Okay, how long do we have to stay out for?"

"It depends on what you plan for us to do. The doctor told me a hour minimum tho."

"Can we go shopping.  I hate all my clothes."

"Sure we can but I don't think that's a good way to spend our time.  I was thinking something on the fun side like Six Flags or Sky High."

"Actually I've been dying to go to Magic Mountain since I was a little kid."

"We could do that, but then I need you to take a pregnancy test tonight."

"Okay, that's fine"

"I want you to come with me to get the test.  I don't know what test are the best."

"Okay, let's go then."

"Really? Now? I thought you would delay."

Jaxon grabs the keys heading to his Audi. He makes sure Isabella is setting fine in the passenger seat before taking off toward the store.  The drive was silent.  Isabella didn't know if she could turn on the radio.  She hated the silence.

They got to the store just fine. Jaxon walked Isabella in, over to the pregnancy test. Isabella started to look for one.  She has no clue what to look for either.  She took the store brand one in her hand and looked up at Jaxon.

"That one?"

Isabella nodded  her head.  Jaxon paid for it.  They drove back to the house.  This time Isabella turned on the radio.  Jaxon gave her a billion dollar small when she did. The drive was short.

When they got back Isabella to the house she went to the bathroom.  She wanted to know now.  She ripped open the package and peed on the stick. While waiting the three minutes to pass she played on her phone.

"Bing, Bing, Bing!" yelled the alarm.

Isabella turned off her phone.  She looked down at the stick and her whole world stopped.  Two solid blue line. 

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