Chapter Twelve

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Isabella had made it to Boston okay.  She really wanted to contact her family and let them know where she is but she deiced against it. She didn't want Jaxon finding her anytime soon.

Isabella did get the house.  She was shopping for furniture to put in the house. She was going to thrift stores because she couldn't afford new furniture.  She had rented a truck to carry everything in back to the house.  She fund a white queen size bed with a matching chest that would work perfect for her room.  Then she fund a nice crib.  She thought it was a little too early to buy a crib but she fell in  love with it. She fund a small couch that would work for the family room.  Then she noticed a small TV that would work perfect to go on her chest. She fund everything she needed.  She loaded it up all into a truck. Then she took it back to the house.

Isabella got a new phone but kept her same number.  She didn't want Jaxon to trace it but she wanted her family to get in touch if it was needed. She had everything she needed for now.  Next she would have to look for a job.  She was registered to be a substitute but she needed a full time job if she was going to support herself and a baby.

She searched the adds online for anything that would support her and her child. She did have a math degree as well as a teaching degree.  The teaching degree will only work in California though. She saw a store needed a new accountant. She filled out the application and planed to check back in tomorrow.

Now she had to get ready for her doctors appointment.  She had gotten a pregnancy test done by the doctors office when she first arrived.  This will be he first appointment to check on the baby.  She didn't know how far along she was because how much she was raped. She had been away from the south gang for about two moths but she was with them for several months.  She can be anywhere in the pregnancy.

She was being seen at a free clinic because she didn't have insurance. She wanted to make sure the baby got as much care as it can get but she couldn't afford to be seen at a hospital.

When she arrived there was a nice receptionist who checked her in.  She told Isabella to sit in the waiting room.  The doctor was a little busy today.  The waiting room was full and it could take Isabella a while to be seen. Isabella waited patiently  for the doctor.  While she was waiting she played on her phone.

It took the doctor an hour before Isabella was called back to a room.  Isabella was seated in a small room the had enough room for a patient chair and a computer. From there Isabella waited another thirty minutes before the doctor walks in.

"Hello, I'm doctor Ken. I see your hear for an ultrasound."

"Yes and a check up on my baby."

"Is this your first one?"


"Okay.  So first I'm going to take your weight, then I'll measure your stomach, finally I'll do an ultrasound. Does that sound okay?"


The doctor starts looking through the cabinets in the room. He pulls out a small scale and a travel sized ultrasound.

"Can you step on the scale for me please," the doctor says while placing the scale on the floor.

Isabella steps onto the scale.  It shows she is 125 pounds.  This is good because when Jaxon first got her back she was under one hundred pounds.

"Your a little under weight.  Do you know how far long you are?"

"No I don't."

"When did you start plan to have a baby?"

"I wasn't planning it. It was a shock."

"Okay. Now I'm going to measure your stomach."

The doctor took a measuring tape.  He put the starting end and the bottom of Isabella's tummy.  Then he stretched it to go on top of her belly.

"Your stomach size is good.  Now I'm going to do an ultrasound.  Can you lift your shirt up please?"

Isabella lifts up her shirt.  The doctor put the jelly on her stomach.  Next he uses his wand to move around the jelly.  He has a shocked look on his face. He continues he exam.

"You are having twins.  It looks like you conceived them on two different days.  You can tell here because they are in two different sacks. You looked to be around three months for the first baby and the second baby looks recent.  I would still use a condom when having sex while pregnant because this can happen. Do you have any questions?"

"Are they healthy?"

"You are a little under weight but they should be good.  Remember to take your vitamins. Would you like some pictures?"

"Yes please."

"I'll get those real quickly then your good to go."

Doctor ken walks out leaving Isabella to her thoughts.  The only person she has slept with recently is Jaxon.  So now she also having Jaxon's baby.  She couldn't believe it.  She was still not going back.  She wanted to do this on her own.

The doctor waked back in with some photos. He hands them to Isabella, telling her he will see her in two weeks. Isabella starts her walk back to her house when her phone starts ringing. She looked at the caller ID  to see who it was.  It was her brother.

"What's up little bro."

"I wanted to call to check up on you.  Mom and Dad have been really worried."

"I'm okay.  What's up with you."

Before her little brother could respond she heard a shuffle on the phone.

"Who's with you Jacky?"

"No one."

"Don't be ling to me."

"Hello Isabella." Isabella's world stops when she hears who voice it is.  How could he find her little brother?

"What did you do to him Jaxon?"

"Nothing your brother is fine. I was wondering where you went.  He helped."

"I ran for a reason. Don't come after me,"  with that Isabella hung up her phone.  She threw it in a trash can.  With that she walked back to her house. She would buy a new phone later this month when she gets a job.  For now she will go phone less.

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