『 Chapter 6 』

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Waking up on the couch was not familiar to Lauren, well at least not when she remembered getting into bed last night. Sitting up the first thing she realized was she was shirtless, extremely weird, of course, she's slept close to naked before, but what's stranger is she's wearing jeans. She never sleeps in jeans, or topless with just jeans on.

Finding her shirt on the ground she's quick to put it on, even if she's going to go back into her bed to sleep. The last thing she remembered is Camila being with her. She thought she left? But maybe she didn't. Now Lauren started to panic. Camila could still be in the apartment, the soccer player still has a chance to keep her close and not let her go again.

"Camila!" The name easily escaping her mouth, even if only she just started saying the name again, it felt like she's been saying it for years with the younger girl still in her life. Searching around the open living room and kitchen, the smaller Latina was nowhere to be found. Going into the bedroom, the bathroom, and every other room in the apartment, the girl was gone. Now it was becoming a reality. She actually was gone for good.

Going back to sit on the couch and looking at the window, it was daytime, weird. It was dark just a moment ago, wasn't it? Lauren felt on the verge of a breakdown. Nothing made sense. She needed Camila with her, it would be the only thing to calm her down right now. Feeling a wet trail going down her cheek she knew she couldn't hold in the internal fight she was going through. "Camila, please." The whisper was so quite Lauren wasn't even sure if she actually said anything, or if it was just a thought. Nothing seemed real, as if right now she was at a whole new world, but the pain and depression continued to follow in her body.

The front door of the apartment suddenly opened, making green eyes shoot up as if the gods could hear her thoughts, in came Camila who had a worried expression upon her face. Rushing over to pull Lauren into a hug, one hand going around the stiff body and the other being placed on the back of the mass of black hair. "Shh, it's okay, I'm here."

Lauren not believing Camila stayed, she hugged the body tightly against her own, needing to feel the warmth of the petite girl. Her body feeling the same against her own as when they were young, it was still the same girl, just more grown and mature, with many prominent features. The one thing that has stayed the same was Laurens's favorite pair of brown eyes. Holding so much of a story through two small chocolate orbs, Lauren wishes she could reach in and read them like a favorite story. Then Camila would go blind, and Lauren did not want that to happen to such beautiful sightseeing eyes.

"Camila, please." She whispered once again. Now someone could hear those two words, two words that held so much more meaning than she can get across right now. "Don't leave me. You can't leave me." The hold on Camila got tighter, not being able to let go and let the girl escape her life every again.

"I won't leave you, Lauren. I never left you, and you know that too." What? No. No! Camila did leave. Lauren knew she left. Six years she's been gone. Why is she lying?

"C-Camila you left... You left me. I remember."

"So do I."

Laurens pulled back from Camila's embrace, pulling her hands up to her temple. Feeling a headache forming, too much happening at once and her brain feeling claustrophobic with all the words Camila is saying.

"What are you saying? Please, Camila, tell me what you mean!"

"I don't need to tell you, you already know. I promise I'll always be with you, even if I'm not right next to you, I'm always around. I've never left you, I promise." Holding out her pink, Lauren immediately hooked her own pinky around it. Still not understanding what she's saying, as if she's speaking a foreign language, a promise is a promise and Lauren would figure it out eventually. "I need to go now, Lauren. I'll see you soon."

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