『 Chapter 5 』

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Eventually, Lauren found herself right in front of the room Camila was in, and her stomach filled with things worse than butterflies.

She got the courage to finally open up the door that would hopefully answer all of her questions. Lauren noticed Camila sitting on the white couch in the room scrolling on her phone, white sipping a Fiji water with a straw. The outfit the singer wore for the concert was still on, and still looking amazing on her body. Camila still didn't notice Lauren, nor did not bother enough to look up.

"Your act is up, Camila. Tell me right now why you have been playing with me. Tell me that you have remembered me this whole time. I'm done being lied to." Lauren's voice made Camila's head dart up."That song? Did you think you could sing that song and pretend like I would think it wasn't about our situation? About us?" Lauren pointed to herself, then pointed at Camila, and back to herself to emphasize her words. Lauren got closer and closer to the singer on the couch.

Camila looked calm, way too calm for Laurens liking. The singer stood up, meeting Lauren's height in the heels she had on. Brown eyes had a staredown with green ones. The atmosphere getting tense immediately.

"Are you happy with her, Lauren?"

Camila asked, her lips curled up into a little smirk. Not that Lauren was looking at her lips, or maybe she was. The words Camila spoke weren't soft, not at all, they had a certain roughness in them. Lauren was almost taken back.

Whatever game Camila was playing was ending. Tonight would be the night Lauren found out all of the secrets that have been going on. Lauren knew Camila could not have forgotten their whole past, all of their memories, every time spent together. Camila had to remember it all, the soccer player knew, she just knew, that Camila was faking it all.

"Answer my question, Lauren. Are you happy with her?" Camila's voice was stern. She had a cold presence, not holding up the same act she has been. The rough exterior was new to Lauren, sure she seems the girl be a bit of a hothead when they were younger, but this was different.

"Yes. I am. Does that bother you?" Lauren was now the one with the smug face as she heard Camila huffed. Of course, she was not exactly happy in her relationship, but anything to taunt the younger girl, she'd say.

The room started heating up, getting more and more intense. Their faces only inches apart and Lauren could easily lean in and take her once favorite lips on her own. But she would not be doing that. Still, their faces did not move apart from each other. Camila was breathing heavier and heavier, and Lauren almost wanted to care and ask if she was okay. She figured she was just angry, and nothing was wrong.

"I couldn't care less. She'll never treat you like I d-"

They suddenly jumped apart when the dressing room door opened. The scrawny white boy from the restaurant walked in, with a flustered face not sure of what he walked in on. Luckily for him, it was not his girlfriend cheating on him. Lauren now wanted to leave as soon as possible, not wanting to stay and hear whatever this kid with a mop on his head had to say.

"What's going on?" The girly male voice said, trying to sound dominate, but failing. Lauren wanted to chuckle at the thought of this guy trying to top in the bedroom. Camila took charge there. But then Lauren felt sick at thinking of the two being intimate like that. Then smirked thinking her two fingers are probably longer, and thicker, than what that boy has in his pants.

"We're having a private talk in here, you can see your way back out of the door." Lauren smiled sarcastically, shooing her hand at the boy to leave. He took a step closer and Lauren wanted to laugh. He looks about as intimidating as a newborn puppy.

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