『 Chapter 2 』

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"Lauren... I'm so sorry."

What was happening right now? Lauren rubbed her eyes, and the smaller girl was still there. And she said her name. Then again, Lauren informed her what her name was in the mall so that wasn't a surprise.

"What are you doing here? How'd you find my address?"

"I needed to talk to you." Camila tugged on her sleeve. "That's not important."

Lauren pulled Camila into the apartment, taking her over to the couch as she wanted to know everything Camila had to say. Is she going to admit she remembers Lauren now?

"Talk to me, Camz."

"I-I just... I don't know where to start." Camila sighed, glancing down to her lap not being able to meet Lauren's eyes.

Lauren lifted Camila's chin lightly, as she wanted to study the eyes she's yearned so much. They were less foggy now. They were brighter. Lauren smiled gently at the sparkly brown eyes.

"Do you remember?" Lauren breathed out, mentally preparing herself for the next answer.

"I- Um... Yes." Camila whispered the last word, almost un-audible. Lauren's eyes focused on her lips, seeing the faint 'yes' form on her lips.

She remembers... Camila remembers! Lauren pulled Camila into a tight embrace, savoring the moment, as it was practically too good to be true. Lauren didn't want to let go of the petite girl, she would remember this hug for as long as her brain would allow her to. Lauren pulled away, leaving a light kiss on the side of Camila's head. Maybe the feelings would yet remain on both sides. Maybe they could resume where they left off. Camila and Lauren can finally be happy.

"Tell me you remember, Camila. I need to hear it." Lauren held both of Camila's hands tightly, not wanting to ever let her go now. She lost her once, she won't lose her again. Lauren wouldn't know what she would do if she lost Camila again...

"I remember, Lauren. I remember everything. I love y-"

Beep. Beep. Beep.

Lauren awoke in her bed panting as if she just ran a marathon. She placed her hand upon her chest as she looked up at the white ceiling of her bedroom. Camila not anywhere prescient. Lauren wanted to shed a tear. Lauren hasn't had a dream that realistic in as long as she could remember. She could feel her fingers upon Camila's chin, she could feel the hug, she could even feel holding her hands. The words are so close to leaving Camila's lips. The words Lauren has wanted to hear for over six years. But no, her mind has to play games with her. Lauren sees Camila once in how long, and now everything is just going to be about Camila.

Lauren needed to get back to reality, even as much as she wanted to lay here and continue the dream, she needed to be realistic. Camila and she were over, Camila doesn't even remember Lauren. It's over. It's over. It's over. Lauren repeated for herself.

Lauren once was told that repeating things three-time will help the brain remember, so she has stuck with it. She'll think of the same thing three times, like informing herself what she had years ago is over, thrice and hoping it works.

Lauren threw her legs over the side of the bed, her feet immediately feeling the cold of the wooden floor. She went into the bathroom, did her morning shower, hygiene, then went to the kitchen. The mornings starting to feel the same every day. Lauren's days, or life, could be described as the color gray. When you think of gray, one person might think of a cloudy sky on a rainy day. Another might think of dull and boring. And both of those would make up Lauren's life to her views. If a person didn't know Lauren, they would think she's happy, living a happy life. She has food on her table, a modern apartment, a dream job, and a happy relationship. All very wrong. Of course, Lauren is proud of what she has, but at the same time, she doesn't have much. She has food she's never hungry for, she has an empty apartment that you could probably hear the echo of your voice in any room, a job she's proud of but takes up most of her time, and the relationship... That's probably the worst thing.

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