Chapter Eighteen: 702

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We only live about ten minutes from Akshay and Ajayi so it took me no time to pull into my driveway.

I tried to compose myself as I pulled up to our home and not let my emotions show on my face in front of my baby girl. Like Akshay, John was waiting on the steps for us.

As soon as I got Becca out of her seat, she ran into her Papa's arms "Papa! Papa!" As I got the bags out of the trunk, I could not help but look at my husband.

He was so handsome, perfect and adored our daughter with every fiber of his being. I sigh; he used to feel the same way about me.

John's face broke into a big smile and he scooped down to pick her up. "Hey baby girl, I missed you while I was at work today."

She kissed his cheek. "I missed you too. Daddy and I took Uncle Ajayi shopping for the baby." He gasped, "You did? And what did daddy buy you?"

Becca smirked, which still amazes me how much she looks and acts like John. He turned and walked into the house without even acknowledging me.

I exhaled a shaky breath and tried to get myself together, it would not do me any good to cry. He has been treating me this way for a few months.

I knew how John felt about Becca being with no one but his mother or me, but Akshay asked me for a favor I did not see the problem.

It was only going to be for an hour maybe two for the interview Akshay wanted and that was over a few months ago.

He barely talks to me anymore unless it is commanding me to do something or sex. John was still my dominate and sometimes I feel he is extra cruel when we play but I do not say anything to him.

I know he can tell because when he touches me sometimes I shy away. I love and in love with my husband still.

I know some of you will call me crazy but John has been my one and only since high school, I just cannot imagine myself with anyone.

It was just a rough patch we are going through, I just pray it ends soon. I want my husband back, the one I fell in love with.

I contemplated getting back in my car and go for a drive. I did not want to be here, John does not love me anymore or he was doing a good job acting as if he does not.

I know Becca is safe with him. I opened the door to throw the bags back inside when I thought back to when I first met John.


September 2005

It had been pouring raining all day and Benji was running late for work at Victoria's Secret. At seventeen, Benji was tinier than he is now, and barely weighed ninety-seven pounds.

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