Chapter Eleven: Heaven Wrapped in Hell

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I knew I was not going to beat him home, so I called him and smiled when his sweet voice answered "Hello." "Baby, I need a favor."

"Yes sir?" I made up some bullshit story about needing something from the office then told him to stop by the market to buy strawberries, chocolate and chocolate whip cream.

It would not hurt to let him know a little of what I was going to give him tonight. He agreed and by the time we hung up, I was in the house going to my playroom.

I picked out the toys I wanted to use then I took them to the sink and although I always cleaned my toys I wanted to make sure, they were extra clean for my baby.

I lite candles around the room, and laid the toys on the table next to my cross. I heard the alarm, signaling my beauty's arrival.

When he did not come upstairs right away I knew he went to put away the strawberries, chocolate and whip cream away.

I then heard his feet on the stairs, knowing he was going to my study to put the uneccesary files on my desk then heard him walk past this door to our bedroom, smiling knowing he was looking for me.

"Akshay?" I did not answer "Sir? Are you up here?" I opened the door to see him standing in the middle of the hallway. "I'm here pretty baby."

He turned to me and smiled "What are you doing in there?" He took a step towards me but I held up my hand. "First, I want to go take a shower then come in here."

He nodded and turned to do what I said. After fifteen minutes, he came back out wrapped in a towel but before he stepped in the room I commanded "Take that off." He blushed but removed the towel.

I waited for him to walk into the middle of the room then I made him kneel on the floor I took out a blindfold and tied it snugly around his head. I said, "I promised you a reward, and tonight good things will come to you."

I walked out of the room to go to our room and changed into my scene clothes, leather pants and combat boots. Although it has only been minutes since I told him to kneel and wait, I know it feels like a century to my beauty since he could not see and was told not to move.

I came back into the room and firmly closed the door behind me, watching Ajayi jump but otherwise stay still. God, he was simply perfect. My steps are slow and calculated as I circle my beauty, taking in his posture, his hard nipples, and his parted mouth.

He was breathing slightly heavier, he does not know how much he pleases me. I start stroking his hair, his head turns, pressing into my touch.

It was beautiful to watch that just touching his hair, his dick started to raise. He makes a sound in the back of his throat.

I move to step in front of him. I stroke his jaw, my fingers whisper across his lips. "I do not want you to speak tonight until I tell you so." My fingers skim down his throat. "In fact, I do not want you to make any noise at all. Understood?"

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