Chapter Four: A Decent Proposal

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Subconsciously, I felt someone tapping my hands. I groaned and snuggled deeper into Ajayi's small body. I heard a giggle and opened one of my eyes to look down at Ajayi. "What's tickling you sweet cheeks?" He stuck his tongue out at me and I know he tried to hide it but I caught his blush, making me smile.

"Someone has been knocking at the door for the last five minutes and every time I tried to get up, you tighten your hold on me."

I did it again and kiss his lips roughly; "Like this?" He wordlessly nodded and then he stated "I think we landed."

I frowned, not wanting to let him go but I did reluctantly. He dash out of the bed, muttering "Finally" and rushing to the bathroom. I laughed and went to the door.

Stacy was standing there looking irate, "Are these the things I'm going to be dealing with, with you two? The plane landed ten minutes ago and I've been knocking for eight of those minutes."

Smiling, I kissed her cheek "Sorry Stace, I just couldn't pull away from that beautiful body." She smiled back at me and reached up to smack me upside the head. "Don't let it happen again."

We got off the plane and into the limo waiting for us. Ajayi was on the phone, checking to see if my place was ready for me, which reminded me...

I snatched the phone from him and he looked at me as if I had lost my mind. Putting the phone up to my ear, I said "Hold on a moment please" and I put his phone on mute.

"I want you to cancel your hotel reservations and stay with me." He reached for his phone but I pulled back out of his short grasp.

"Akshay I already did that before we left. Now give me my damn phone back. I have more calls to make and sure everything is ready."

"Give me a kiss first." He sighed, looking at me and then smiled "What am I going to do with you?"

My face must have changed because he held up his hand "Utt! Don't answer that." Smirking I leaned down to him so our lips whispered over each other.

"Why not? I think we both would enjoy my answer." "Akshay, my phone please?" Pouting, which made him giggle I gave him his phone back.

Knowing I needed to focus on my business first and the date second, I got my head back in the game although I couldn't stop sneaking glances at him. I watch him as he talked to the secretary of the man I set up a meeting with to take over his business and build it back up to the great establishment it used to be.

"Yes and Mr. Nilekani would like to have the meeting exactly at one pm and not a second later. If Mr. Adams cannot abide by these rules we will have to take our time somewhere else."

I smiled; I loved to see him like this. So regal and backbone straight, all business and not letting anyone run over him. He is so intriguing, when it comes to business he's outspoken but when he's himself, he's shy and soft spoken.

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