Chapter Seventeen: Protect Ya Neck

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Something has my husband livid, but he refuses to talk to me about it. Akshay has been in this mood for close to a month.

He is constantly in his office or out with John and it has me worried. Why does he not feel as if he can talk to me?

I rub my belly and smile when my angel kicks back. I could not deny with Akshay being so secretive has me insecure.

I wish I could pick up the phone and call Angie but she refuses to talk to me, she was my only friend now I have no one to turn to.

My phone rings and I look at the screen to see Benji's face. "Hello?" "Hey Ajayi, I was calling to see if you wanted to go shopping with me and my baby girl."

"God yes, I need to get out of this house. My husband has been keeping me hostage in this house for a few weeks now."

"I heard and I am breaking you out for a few hours. Get dressed and I will be there in an half an hour."

"Ok" I put my phone on the charger then went to get in the shower. I stood under the warmth of water a little hotter than what my husband would approve of.

I could not help but think about him and wonder what was bothering him. I could not help but think it has something to do with Skylar because thank God he has not contacted me in any way.

I grabbed the new bottle of Peach & Honey Almond shower wash my husband bought for me. I inhaled it and it is seriously giving my favorite a run for its money.

I washed my body, then just let the water run over my body. I knew I had been in here too long and needed to get out.

After wrapping myself in a towel, I walked over to our closet trying to find something to wear. I finally settled on an cream off the shoulder sweater with a black tank underneath and skinny jeans.

I leaned over to get my black coach shoes, still not comfortable with wearing such expensive things but my husband threw away my tattered chucks.

At first, I was upset but after an amazing session of having my body loved and caressed from the top of my head to the soles of my feet, the shoes were the farthest thing from my mind.

I put my shoes on, then tried to figure out what to do with my hair. I am seriously considering cutting because all I seem to do lately is have it in a bun on top of my head.

I finally decided to give myself a side Dutch braid and then there was a knock on the door. I turned towards the door "Come in."

Mama G walked in, I smiled at her. I am so thankful for her, she was the best thing that happened to me since I became pregnant.

Between her and my husband, every need or want was always met. "Yes ma'am?" She smiled and kissed me on the top of my head and rubbed my belly.

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