Chapter Ten: Pride

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In my office after my beauty closes the door, I blew out a breath I did not know I was holding. I could have lost him due to a misunderstanding.

After she jumped on me and Ajayi just happened to walk in, I knew she plans for that to happen. I pushed her away from me but that did not do anything to appease the trepidation I felt in the head of my stomach at the look of confusion and devastation on my beauty face.

I tried to talk but he whipped around and walked away. "Ajayi!" I screamed his name again but he ignored me. I turned to Cindy and demanded, "Don't move."

A look of the fear flashed across her face but I could not care less. I chased after him but by the time, I got out of the door he was in a cab.

My heart lunged in my chest at the sight of him running away from me. I turned around and marched back into the building to deal with that woman.

Everyone moved when they saw me coming. I could only guess what my face looked like, but now that was the furthest thing from my mind.

I walked into my office and slammed the door, watching Cindy as she jumped "Would you care to explain just what the fuck that was? I know it was planned."

She sneered "I know he has an unhealthy crush or you. I have told him before you are straight as an arrow."

I raised an eyebrow at that and smirked. She gasped then the look of horror that came over face almost made me chuckle.

"Eww, what a waste!" "Miss Kirkwood, as of today and right now you are fired from Infosys. I will give you an hour to clean out your desk and return all of your electronics and credit cards and ID."

She stood up in disbelief and turn to walk away. "Oh and Cindy?" She turned to me, "Do not try to tell anyone or sue me, remember I have you under contract and could bury you alive. Don't test me."

She quickly turned around and high tailed it out of there and out of my mind. I called security to be on the lookout for her and to receive all of her items belonging to the company.

I returned to my work, or at least tried to. I could not help but be a little pissed at Ajayi; he did not even give me a chance to explain.

What if he went to our house and is packing his things? A quick call to Mama Grant put that worry to rest, so I guess I had to wait yet again for him to come to me.

A knock at my door I frowned and said "If you're not Ajayi, please leave me alone." They did not speak but knocked again; I sighed and said "Come in."

The door slowly opened and before I could speak at the sight of my beauty, who I wanted to put across my lap and spank until he apologized for running.

He held up his hand "Please let me say this." I raised an eyebrow but let him continue, "You are mine, and I do not want to share you with anyone. I also don't want to keep us a secret I want people to know we belong to each other."

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