You Become Friends

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A/N: I binged the entire manga online over the span of a day, and I'm still  n o t  o k a y  over Rengoku. That's literally the first time I've cried reading a manga since I finished Assassination Classroom a few years ago.

Anyway, enjoy!



The two of you quickly bonded over your siblings (you empathized with his mention of his family dying to demons, as your younger sister was killed by one of the stronger demons a while back). You thought Nezuko was the most adorable thing in the world, and luckily for you, she seemed to like your company too.

You made sure to send messages back and forth often, and if he had an assignment in a certain area that you were planned to be in, you made sure to tag along until both of your missions were complete.


After a few run-ins with Tanjiro and the gang, you warmed up to Nezuko. You were still a little skeptical about her being a demon, but as she proved not to be dangerous (to you), you decided to trust her.

Usually when she saw you, she would go for your hand, as sometimes you held her hand while staying with them.  She seemed to really like you, which made her brother very happy.


Although the boy annoyed you at first, you soon found yourself warming up to him as you ran into each other more often. While you had your own missions to do, you found yourself teaming up more often than not.

His wimpy attitude was slowly being hammered out of him the more demons he slayed, and his constant clinging to you was fading as well. He had begun to see you as an equal, not just as a girl.

Thankfully for the both of you, he eased up on the marriage pleas around the second or third time you two met (although some of that was attributed to him fawning over Nezuko, the poor girl).


Inosuke was really annoying at first, what with his constant demands to challenge anything that had a pulse, but as you two teamed up more and more, his brutish personality began to soften towards you.

Just as he was starting to realize who his allies were and start to care for them as friends, so did he start to realize that you were one of his equals. It certainly made things easier down the road for you two as you started going up against more and more challenging demons.


The quiet man had piqued your interest from the start as one of the more polite pillars, but the more you tried to get close to him, the more reclusive he was.

On one hand, you understood; the things he'd seen, the things he'd done, the survivor's guilt was bound to be traumatizing for any given individual. But on the other, you were frustrated because you just wanted to befriend the brooding younger man, dammit!

Giyuu was a ball of repressed emotions and PTSD, and you understood that you had to be gentle when addressing stuff like that with him. But he made it really, really difficult to get close enough to crack open his outer walls. Nevertheless, you persisted with him, determined to make a friend out of him.


That beacon of sunshine that was called a man? Piece of cake to befriend him.

He was jovial in most things, and a good eater -- one of your encounters had you sitting with him at a ramen stall, enjoying some delicious tonkatsu. You found it so easy to be around him, like he was a people magnet.

You began to see him more often with the teenagers (whom you found out were Tanjiro, Zenitsu, and Inosuke), and slowly you became one big group. It was refreshing to have someone outside of the village to talk to, and you always looked forward to working with him, no matter your rank.


For a time, it was nearly impossible to crack open the boy's stoic outer shell. But when word came that he (as well as a few lower-ranked boys) defeated Lower Moon Five, he became a little easier to talk to.

It seemed like something had completely changed in him once he slew the demon. He became more polite and cordial with you, especially when Tanjiro was with you. You rather liked this change, although it took a little bit for you to loosen up around him.

By the time you were comfortable with him, you two were pretty friendly with each other. Despite his young age, he was really easy to hang around.


You soon became more comfortable around Shinobu, and after a few more meetings, you became friends.

She was always kind to you when you did spend time together, and you found yourself wanting to be around her more and more. She had a surprisingly good sense of humor.


It didn't take long at all to become friends with the gentle giant. He tolerated your interest in his life, and you hoped that you were kind enough that he wanted to be closer.

When you came to him one day and excitedly announced that you'd passed the Final Selection, he grew quieter, but a few moments later he smiled at you, solemn and understanding, and wished you luck as a slayer.

Now that you were officially a part of the corps, you definitely found it easier to sympathize with his work. It was freaking tough!


Boy oh boy did that man piss you off. It didn't matter that he was a fellow slayer, it didn't matter that he had his own little brother to worry about, he was just damn rude.

To be honest, at first you weren't interested at all in becoming friends with him. But like an annoying bucket of worms overturned in the soil, he began inching his way into your heart.

It took a few encounters for you both to finally start putting your differences aside, but when you did, you found it easier to work with the wind pillar. He was definitely a good ally to have, and not just because he was hella strong.

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