C H A P T E R 35

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Dominic Jones
Two weeks later

"The hell is that?" Eddy asked pointing at the purplish bruise on Dom shoulder

"Kendrix did that shit."

Eddy scrunched his face up confused. "Damn nigga you want the whole story?"


"Aight so every time Kendrix latches on to Kia nipple she makes this Ah shit, this hurt face. I'm looking like seriously your not used to it by now, he doesn't even have teeth, suck it upchump. Boy did I have no clue. So yesterday Kendrix was loosing his mind looking for titty milk, you know like a crack fiend. Kia was at the store, so I carried him downstairs to make a bottle. While we're waiting for a bottle to warm up, I'm shirtless and he was laying on my shoulder he starts moving his head all crazy then he just starts sucking on my clavicle. I laughed and go you're not going to get nothing from there buddy. Son! His suction turned into some blood sucking Dracula type shit. I'm like what the fuck I'm trying to pull him off of me like... fuck, fuck get off me. I wanted to toss his lil ass off me like he was a demon child. Listen men he had some newborn vampire type strength. I quickly made him a bottle like here lil fucker here. I went into the bathroom and look at my neck and this was the result. What the fuck? Listen I will never talk shit again, these babies are dangerous. If you ever have a kid I want you to never ever, ever, ever underestimate the power of a mother. From birthing a child to breastfeeding you sir ain't built for this type of pain."

"So it still hurt?" Eddy asked stabbing at it

Dom mugged him and slapped his hand away. "What you think?"

"Don't gotta be so damn hostile. Where my god son at anyways?" He asked him

"Laying with Kia."

Eddy smiled and walked past Dom. Dom grabbed his shirt and yanked him back.

"Hell you going they sleep."

"Dominic ion give a fuck, really I don't.  I only came to see my god son."

"I will beat yo ass."

"Next caller." Eddy said shrugging

Dom tightened his hold. "Dude."

Eddy sucked his teeth and huffed. "Fine I'll come back later tootles."

Dom shook his head and dapped him up. "Imma probably come into work tomorrow."

"Aight g."

He let go and watched as Eddy walked out the front door. Dom walked to the door and locked it before walking inside of the kitchen. He grabbed some dog food out of the cabinet and filled coco bowl. Hearing whimpers through the baby monitor he sighed sitting the food on the cabinet. He slowly made his way towards their room. Opening the door he saw Kendrix moving around. He hovered over Kia slightly not to wake her and picked Kendrix up.

"Wassup Ken, what's wrong with daddy's baby?" Dom cooed watching his eyes peer open slowly

Kendrix stared up at Dom and grinned a toothless smile. Dom chuckled and frowned. "You stink." He mumbled lifting him up to smell his diaper

Homeless and in Love حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن