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Dominic Jones
A Few Days Later

Walking out of another cooperate job Dominic groaned, he's been looking for jobs all week and nothing. Everybody told him he was over qualified or their wasn't any availability. Shaking his head he sat on one of the near by benches. Putting his head in his hands– he closed his eyes and sniffed, he was hot, hungry, and most importantly tired. He had gave Kia the car for the day so she can meet up with her parents, she asked him if he wanted to go but he declined her offer. He wiped his face and looked up, feeling the sun blazing he took off his blazer.

Feeling eyes on him he turned around and saw one of the older workers from the building he just left out staring at him. Squinting his eyes he stared at her confusedly. She waved him over. Pointing at himself the lady nodded. Standing to his feet he sighed, he dusted himself off and walked towards the lady.

"Morning young man." She greeted sweetly

"Morning." He mumbled tiredly

The lady gave him a soft smile before talking again.

"I overheard a little bit of your story in there and it's not much but I wanna help you out."

She dug in her purse, watching as she pulled out money. He held his hand out, and nodded his head no.

"I'm fine ma'am, I'm no charity case." He mumbled

"Nonsense." She said waving him off

"I can't." He said turning to walk away

Before he could fully leave she stopped him. Dominic sighed. "Can I at least work for it?" He asked her

"Sure you can move somethings for me."

"Thank you ma'am, I appreciate it. When do you get off?" Dominic asked her

"Right now actually." Dominic nodded

"Do you need a ride or something?" She asked him

"Um no ma'am, where do you live?" He asked her

"Not that far, about thirty minutes away from here."

Dominic nodded and scratched his head.

"Can you write down the address for me, I'll be there within a hour or so." He told her

The woman pulled out a book and a pen, when she finished writing down her address she passed him the paper.

"Thank you."

"Your welcome." She nodded

When she walked off he placed the paper in his bookbag. He ran inside of the bathroom, looking in all the stalls to make sure nobody was in there. He locked the bathroom. Changing in to some basketball shorts and a t-shirt. He packed up his dress clothes and walked up to the to rinse his face off. When he dried his face off he grabbed the piece of paper out of his bag. He turned on the WiFi on and typed the address in his maps. Since his phone was off he downloaded them. After finishing up he grabbed his bag and walked out of the bathroom. Looking at the directions he stared walking.

After walking an hour or so Dominic was tired. Walking up to the house he knocked on the door an old man awnsered it.

"Your the young man my wife's babbling about. My name's Jim." He said extending his hand

"I'm Dominic sir." He said shaking his hand

He let go and Jim let him in.

"Maggie company!" He yelled sitting on the couch

"In the kitchen!" She yelled back

"You can drop your bag by the sofa." Jim told him

Dominic nodded and he dropped his bag by the couch. Walking inside of the kitchen he saw Maggie making sandwiches, it cussed his stomach to growl.

"I know your hungry, that was a long walk wasn't it?" She asked handed them to him

He froze and nodded nervously. "Have a seat son, you'll need the energy."

Doing as told he sat down on one of the stools, she handed him the sandwiches.

"Thank you." He mumbled picking one of them up

"You're welcome." She walked towards the refrigerator and pulled out four cold water bottles and handed them to him

"Why don't you want help?" She asked sitting in front of him

He shrugged his shoulders and put his head down as he continued to demolish his food.

"You have the wrong kind of pride Dom, your going through things. Everybody goes through some form of trouble. Your suffering because your thinking about everybody else feelings but your owns."

"I want to keep my wife happy." He mumbled

He opened one of the water bottles and downed it in a couple of gulps.

"And you are, being there for her." Maggie told him

"I hear you." He said opening another water bottle

"Are you still hungry?" She asked changing the subject sensing his mood change

"Yes ma'am." He mumbled softly

She nodded and stood up. He watched her make three more sandwiches. She finished and passed them to him.

"When your finish come back to the living room." She said

She patted his back and walked out.

After finishing moving beds and furniture around to the shed in the backyard Dominic felt beat. Walking into the living room he picked up his bag. Maggie went in her purse and pulled out five hundred dollars.

"Like I said it's not much but it's enough to get you a hotel or some for a couple days." Maggie said

"Thank you." He said wiping his eyes

She hugged him. "God bless you and your family Dom, I hope everything works out for the best."

"Me too." He replied pulling back

"Do you need a ride somewhere son? It's getting pretty dark." Jim asked him

"No sir I'm fine." He said and Maggie side eyed him

Dominic chuckled. "I'm serious." He told her

"Hmmmm." She mumbled walking away

"Goodnight guys, I appreciate your help." He told them

"Your welcome, if you need help you know where we live." Jim said

Dominic nodded, he said goodbye again and walked out of the house. Walking towards the closet bus stop.

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