A house

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A house

What is a house without a mother?
Her love, not just another number

Maybe it could be an empty room
Or an apartment, tired and gloom
Devoid of any emotion, I assume.

This seems okay, but not great
Nor right.

Or maybe it's a canvas
Yes! Boring, uninhabited and anxious
Waiting for color and brush so vicious

No, this is well and okay
But not great I'm needless to say.

Maybe it's like a frame
Vacant, endlessly searching to claim
What belongs, a photo with memory-name

This is good, but we're not there
Great is near, yet so rare

Or... maybe its a brown flowerpot
Expired dirt, barren round brown dot
Devoid, lackluster and spiritless of daisy-deep apricot

As I live and breathe!
Great it may seem, but maybe more underneath

For now I know, a house without a mother
Is like a pot without a flower.

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