I will save you

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I will save you
God pleading to humanity

I look into your eyes
Like a sailor on a cloudy night
I can see how lost you are

Your soul, the real you,
Frantically claws and screams
Grabbing at the earth's desires
To fill up that

Your empty words, your worry
The pains your flesh proclaim
Your negativity...
Shows how deep your spiritual wounds run

Oh! How beautiful wouldn't it be
When you finally allow your Shepard
Into your heart

How glorious would it be
To know that when He carries you
That you are saved

How wonderful to know
That you would enjoy the green pastures
He prepared in Heaven

How divine would it be to know
That your Shepard laid His life down
So that you could graze on His land

But, I can only do so much
I try My best to make you see
Your will is your biggest enemy
You are hardened against Me
Did I fail you?

I will never trespass on your will
For you were made to be like Me
You were made to glorify Me

You are fearfully and wonderfully made
Yet, you go and complain about
The beauty that is you!

I don't make mistakes
So why are you living as if I did
Why do you avoid Me and swim in sin

Give yourself to Me
And I will make you whole
I will stitch every wound
Fill every crack with My Light
I will save you
Like I did with your ancestors

I will always save you

© Franklin J. Stadler

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⏰ Última actualización: May 29, 2023 ⏰

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