Chapter 11: Fight for him

Start from the beginning

I ignore him, and turn around and punch Remus in the chest, as I saw him coming up behind me. Unfortunately, Jan takes that opportunity and kicks me in the back. I fall over. I get up quickly but they are already on me. Remus grabs my arms and holds them behind me as Jan punches me in the jaw. I try to reach into my back pocket to grab the small knife I carry on me in the event of an emergency, but Remus sees what I'm doing and takes it from me.

I break free from his hold and rush over to Virgil. I check his pulse. He's alive. I then shout for help.

"Aw, has the nerdling finally had enough? You're pathetic, no one will find you here." Remus says.

He then walks towards me and Virgil, holding my knife. Just then, as he's about to attack us, he falls to the ground. Behind him, I see Roman. Patton must have called him.

"I've been wanting to do that for years." He says, dropping the trash can lid he was holding.

He frowns a little when he sees me and Virgil. I feel my jaw swelling up and my fists ache. He helps me up.

"Come on, we need to get you out of here." He says.

I pick up Virgil. He's surprisingly light. We get out of the alley and I see Patton's car on the side of the road, pulled over.

I get into the backseat, still holding Virgil.

*Virgil POV*

I wake up in a room. I don't recognize it. The last thing I remember was someone coming to my rescue before I was knocked out. I'm covered in bruises and scrapes, and I think I have a black eye. I see Patton walk into the room.

"What happened? Where am I? I need to leave." I say, panic starting to rise.

Patton walks over to me and puts an ice pack on my eye.

"Two guys dragged you to an alleyway and beat you up. Roman found you, you're in his house. It's the safest place to be because Remus isn't allowed here. I don't think it would be best for you to leave." He says.

"But my parents will wonder where I am," I say.

They won't really. I told them I was out with friends. I was actually going to the downtown Hot Topic to get a new sweatshirt, and they don't want me going downtown alone for this exact reason.

"They were told you were running and tripped and landed hard on the sidewalk," Patton says.

"I need to leave," I say again.

I need to deal with Jan and Remus and make a plan to protect myself from the inevitable doom that school will be on Monday. But I know that part of this is my fault. If I hadn't broken up with Jan, if I hadn't gone to the party if I just stayed home and never did anything this wouldn't have happened. I let out a groan, all my worries overwhelming me.

"We told your parents that you wanted to stay here for a while. We need to figure out how to cover up your injuries." Patton says.

I sigh and nod, seeing no way out of this.

*Roman POV*

"I want to see if he's ok!" Logan shouts.

"Patton is right now. He'll tell you." I say.

I am furious. At Remus for hurting my friend, and Virgil for endangering him. Logan is like the brother Remus never was, and I'm not about to let anyone hurt him in any way. 

"No! I need to make sure he's ok!" Logan insists.

I shake my head. To stop him from leaving the room I lock the door.

"Lo, we need to treat your injuries. Your jaw looks bad." I say, ignoring his further protests.

I decided that I will let Virgil stay here for the day, and then make sure I never have to deal with him again. Logan is injured because of him. I don't want him hurt again. 

"Look, I don't want you to get hurt again, Lo. I told you that kid is trouble and look where you are now!" I say after Logan continues to argue.

I'm trying to treat his injuries but with him shouting its more difficult. I eventually just give up and decide I'll let Patton do it. He's much better with this stuff than I am.

"Logan, look at it this way. You were led into danger, received multiple injuries, and are now a prime target for my brother and his friends all because of that emo freak. You need to let go of him before you get yourself killed." I say sternly, "Brave, rash, probably bad decisions are my job. This is so unlike you. You're smarter than this Logan!"

Some part of this registers with Logan because he stops protesting. Patto comes in a minute later.

"Can you help him? I have no idea what I'm doing." I say.

Patton nods.

"Virgil's doing fine, Logan. Don't worry." He says as if reading Logan's mind.

Wow, the writing is just spilling out of me right now. How. Just how. Probably because I have other work to do now. A+ procrastinator on the really important stuff. Welp, hope you enjoyed the latest emotional rollercoaster. Feel free to leave any thoughts or feedback in the comments and have an enjoyable day you magnificent peep!

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