Clubbing • 20

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"Harry, please. It'll be fun. I promise," Niall begged, trying to get Harry to go to the club with them. Liam was already outside in the car waiting for the two. 

"What's fun about getting drunk and not remembering anything the next day?" Harry retorted. 

"Everything."  Harry rolled his eyes at his blonde haired friend. 

"If you go I'll give you a blowjob tomorrow, just don't tell Li." The other said trying to persuade the younger.

"I'll go get my jacket," Harry said jumping up from his spot on the couch. He wasn't gonna pass up a blowjob from Niall, although they're rare, they're amazing. 

Harry and Niall weren't boyfriends but they do occasionally pleasure one another. Harry wasn't into the whole one-night stand thing so he didn't get much action. Niall was the closest he's got. Niall on the other hand had just recently gotten a boyfriend, Liam.

Niall burst into laughter when Harry immediately gave in. He knew that would work, since he does have the best blowjob lips ever. 

When the guys arrived at the club, the blonde haired boy left to get some drinks. Liam tagging along. Harry left to go find a table to sit at because he really didn't feel like dancing with anyone. Niall and Liam came to the table with some drinks. Harry took a sip before he decided he didn't really want to drink. He regrets coming.

"C'mon cheer up Haz. Wanna come dance with us?" Niall tried.

"No. I'm just gonna chill here for a little bit," He said. 

Niall sighed before standing up, "Okay but you aren't sitting here all night. If you haven't moved from this spot in 10 minutes then you're coming to dance with us." 

Harry rolled his eyes nodding his head. He sat their for a few minutes checking his messages and Twitter notifications before looking up and seeing a boy staring at him.  When he noticed Harry had seen him he walked over and sat down opposite Harry. 

Harry raised him eyebrows, "Umm.. Hi?" 

"Hi I'm Zayn. What's your name love?"  Harry rolled his eyes, he seemed to be doing that a lot tonight.

"Harry."  He said unamused.

"Hey Harry. Can I just say that you are the most beautiful human being I have ever seen," Zayn had dark brown eyes and hair to match. He was tan and fit but he seemed to be a player. 

"Look you're hot and all but I don't have one-night stands. Especially with boys who probably have them all the time with more people than I can count on two hands," The green eyed boy said. 

"Woah. Okay who says that I only wanted a one-night stand? Or that I have them all the time?" The tan boy said

"Oh please. You're at a night club, why else would you be here?"  he replies

"You're also at a night club," he shot back.

"It's different for me, my friends made me come." Harry defends

"So did mine."

Harry narrowed his eyes. "You want more than just a one-night stand from me?" 

"I wanna get to know you. But wouldn't it be fun if we had sex first? You know, like worked backwards?" Zayn reassures

"Sounds like we would be very complicated." Harry teases

"Not so much as complicated but maybe just different. Different is fun."  Zayn stood up and held out his hand for Harry.

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