Clock out • 11

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Oh my 🙈

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Harry's POV

Today must be the slowest day to ever exist. I am bored out of my damn mind. You have no idea! I try to keep myself occupied or else my mind wanders off, to him. If I'm not doing something to keep my mind off him, I'm thinking about him. 'Now, who is this mystery man?', you might be wondering. His name is Zayn. He has been my best friend ever since elementary school and I have fallen head over heels in love for him. I noticed I had feelings for him for him a few months ago...

He was working under a car in the garage (We work together) when I walked in to talk to him about something. He had one leg lying down on the ground while the other was bent. He never wore a shirt under his now unbuttoned shirt. He was all sweaty and it made his skin glisten. I never realized how beautifully sculpted he really was until that moment. Ever since then I have been paying more attention to him. I have been asking him to hang out with me more; talk more often. I wonder if he would ever feel the same way about me?

Camille broke up with me a while back and I wonder if this is just my brain trying to get over Camille? Zayn still has his girlfriend Gigi. She was okay and I had no problems with her until I started to catch feelings for her man. It was my turn to work the cash register for a bit while Zayn worked on cars. I spun around in circles on the swivel stool behind the counter. Every once in a while someone would walk in, buy something, or ask me to pump their gas. Since word about Camille and I breaking up girls have been showing up just to look at me more often.

Originally, it made me happy and it made me feel good about myself. Now it makes me sad because I don't feel that spark that women fawning over me use to give me. It was 20 minutes before closing time and Zayn had hardly talked to me at all today. He was in the garage fixing cars. We must of had a really busy day for car repairs. I looked around the store without leaving my spot to see if anyone was there. Once I saw no one was around I laid my head down on the counter. I was tired physically, and mentally exhausted. I started to think about Zayn... dirty things. Him dominating me and taking my virginity (butt virginity that is). I felt my pants start to hurt me around my growing erection. As I was lost in these thoughts I didn't see/hear Zayn walk inside from the garage. I started to palm myself against my jeans. I groaned in pleasure.

"Harry?" I jerked my face up from the counter.

"Zayn?" I felt cheeks heat up.

"Haz, what are you doing?"

"N-nothing, Zaynie." I put on my award winning smile to try and cover my flustered face.

"Did you just moan?" He asked moving closer. I had a full hard-on now so I was getting nervous he would see my bulge. "N-no! Of course not, man." I said laughing a little. He was standing in front of me now on the other side of the counter. I crossed my legs and bit down hard on my lip so I wouldn't moan at the sudden friction against my cock.

He tried to look over the counter. "What are you doing, Haz?"

"Why are your legs crossed? Uncross them." He said in a demanding tone.

Zayn always kind of sounded demanding if I was being totally honest. It was really hot. Why was he trying to point out my erection anyway? To publicly humiliate me?

"Uh, why?" I asked trying not to be suspicious.

"You know why." He said. At this point I might as well just tell him. I think it would be easier than showing him that. I bit my lip.

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