Broken Promises • 17

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More bottom Zayn.. I'm most likely going to switch it up more often.

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Third person pov:

"Don't leave me" 

"I promise, I never will" River says reassuringly.

This was the first promise that was mean't to be broken. The broken boy who has always been alone and the boy that would end up breaking his heart. River promised Zayn he would never leave him but he lied, he left the band and in the process he also left the broken boy even more broken. 

"I decided it's best for me to leave the band." River declares getting shocked faces from the boys.

Niall is the first to respond and ask the question everyone is wondering "Why?" 

River sighs responding "I miss my family too much, not being able to see my niece grow up, missing my brother's wedding, it just got to much for me, I'm not happy anymore." 

"If it's what's best for you,then you have my support." Niall responds 

"Yeah River, you have my support." Liam agrees 

Calvin is a little skeptical but agrees, but then we have Zayn's reaction which both shocked everyone and broke their hearts. 

"You promised" he simply states 

"Zayn I-"

"No River. You promised me" 

"Zayn I'm not leaving you, just the band." River says trying to convince him but fails and that is the second the broken boy broke even more. 

Zayn jumps off the couch and starts screaming at River. 

"No! You promised me Riv, you promised! I gave you my heart when I was scared to the most and you took it and just smashed it to pieces!" 

"You're right and I will always regret it, we can still be friends." 

River gets up about to touch Zayn's arm but is slapped by him as Zayn began to punch his chest over and over again. 

"I hate you River Daniels! I hate you!" he screamed as he is pulled off of River by Calvin who pulls him into his chest. 

"Shh Zee it's okay calm down, we don't need you killing him" he whispers keeping his grip, Zayn turns around and falls into the hug, starting to sob. 

"I hate him Cal, I hate him." he cries burying his face into Calvin's chest latching onto him like a monkey.

"Zay-"  River starts

"River just leave it, I think you should pack." 

Liam recommends getting a nod from him  "I'm sorry Zee, I'll always love you."  he says before running up the stairs.

The things I'd do to you. ZarryWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt