30. Seal My Fate

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[Camila's POV]

 I open the door to my dorm room and what I see is a small room with two beds and a common bathroom. Each side of the room has a bed, a small closet, a desk with a chair and a few shelves in the wall. Everything is empty, so I guess I'm the first one to arrive, which means I get to peak the side I want. I pick the one closer to the window and lay down in the bed for a bit before I organize my clothes and books. I'm a little tired from the flight, so I decide to finish it tomorrow. Shawn calls me at night to tell me he's leaving San Francisco tomorrow morning, and the thought of him being closer to me from now on makes me smile.

 I keep organizing my stuff the next morning when I hear someone open the door. A girl with brown hair and hazel eyes gets in looking at a piece of paper, trying to confirm she's in the right room. She smiles at me nervously, but I think I'm just as nervous as her.

 " Hi, I'm Hailee." She says getting in and closing the door behind her. "I guess I'm your roommate."

 " Hi, I'm Camila." I say smiling back at her. " I took the bed next to window if that's okay."

 " Sure, that's totally fine." She says carrying her two suitcases to the other side of the room and sitting on her bed.

 " So, where are you from?" I ask curiously as we both hang our clothes in our respective closets.

 " Atlanta." She says looking at me. " But I've wanted to come to New York."

 " Me too, this city is just fascinating to me somehow."

 " So you're not from here either?"

 " No, I'm from San Diego." I say and I can see a glow in her eyes.

 " You left California? Wow." She says laughing.

 " It gets pretty boring if you lived there your whole life."

 We keep getting to know each other and I actually really like her. We have a lot of things in common, so I have this feeling we'll become close friends. As I finish with my things, I lay down on the bed and take a nap. I wake up to my phone ringing, and as I look around I don't see Hailee. It's a call from Shawn, I'm pretty sure he just arrived in Yale. We talk for awhile and during that time Hailee comes back. Next thing I know I wake up with the phone next to my ear, but I don't remember saying goodbye to Shawn.

 " You fell asleep during the call, if that's what you're wondering." Hailee says laughing.

 " Shit, I wanted to say goodbye." I say looking at my phone screen.

 " Was that your boyfriend?" She asks curiously.

 " Yes." I say loving to refer to Shawn as my boyfriend. I guess I'll never get tired of that.

 Later on we take a walk around to know the campus, and as we walk back I see a tall figure in the hallway, with his back facing us. Hailee gets inside our room, but I just stand there really confused. I think I'm hallucinating for a moment, until the person turns around and I meet the face I've been missing like crazy this last week.

 " Shawn?" I ask still thinking is just my imagination.

 A smile spreads across his face and suddenly I'm running and jumping on his arms. He catches me in his arms as I place a long kiss on his lips. It's like our mouths have their own will, and our bodies just know their way to each other. I pull away and rest our foreheads together as he keeps holding me.

 " What are you doing here?" I ask not believing he actually drove all the way here in the same day he arrived at Yale.

 " I couldn't wait to see again." He says as my hand makes its way to his hair. " Why did you I think I flew to New Haven a day before what I actually had to?"

 " You really weren't kidding when you said I was stuck with you, huh?" I say in a playful tone.

 " Trust me, you're stuck with me for life." He says placing another kiss on my lips. " I actually bought you something." He adds putting me back on the ground.

 " What?" I ask curiously.

 " Aren't you going to show me your room?" He asks pretending he didn't say anything.

 " Not until you show me what you bought me." I say wrapping my arms around his shoulders. " Come on, Shawnnn! You know I'm a curious person."

 " Well, I've been thinking about what we talked that last night on the beach." He says after a long silence. " I want you forever, Camila."

 He gets down on one knee almost giving me a heart attack, but then what he takes from his pocket makes me laugh. He holds out a yellow gummie ring laughing with me, and then puts it on my finger.

 " Fuck, Shawn! I thought you were really proposing for a moment, I was about to freak out." I say still a little shocked from what I thought he was doing.

 " Sorry." He says laughing harder, making me slap his arm slightly as he gets up. " But, I'm serious. This is just a stupid candy ring, but the intention behind it it's real. It's a promise that we belong to each other and that we'll end up together no matter what."

 " Why are you so perfect?" I ask kissing him again and again.

 " I'm not perfect, you just bring out the best in me." He says pulling me in for a hug.

 We just hold each other for what could have been hours in the hallway as students passes us by. Here in his arms I start to remember the first time I looked at him differently when we were kids.


 I sit on the edge of the pool thinking how this is the first summer my dad is not here with us. I knew he wouldn't come because of the divorce, but it still hurts that he didn't even try. I feel someone sitting next to me and when I look up I see Shawn smiling at me. He has two lollipops on his hands and give one to me, and then holds my tiny hand on his. He's always really sweet to me when my brother is not around, and he knows I'm upset about my dad.

 " You look beautiful in this dress, Mila." He says mentioning the blue dress his mom gave me earlier. I feel my cheeks burning and my heart skips a beat.

 He smiles at me and we just sit there with our feet in the water as he holds my hand. I don't know if I should feel the way I am right now. My mom always says Shawn and Aaliyah are like our siblings, but that's not how I'm looking at him in this moment.

 [End of the flashback]

 I pull away from the hug and kiss him again right in the middle of the hallway, but this one is somehow different. This kiss express all of our feelings, how we know we belong to each other. He holds me like he wants me forever, and I can confirm right in this moment, that forever he will have me.

                       THE END


A/N: I know this is a simple ending, but I thought it was cute. Thank you so much to all of you who are reading, voting and commenting! I loved writing this story! ❤💖
Please take a look at my other stories if you haven't already! I also have a few ideas in mind for new stories... 🙊💕

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