8. Unbreakable Heaven

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A/N: I decided not to put smut warnings on the chapters anymore, because hosnestly, if you're still reading this story you clearly don't mind the smut. 🤷‍♀️

When we get home after dinner is already late, so everyone goes to bed. I go to the kitchen to get a glass of water, and as I hold the glass I feel a kiss on my shoulder, making me spill a little bit of water on the ground.

 " Shit! Sorry." I hear Shawn's voice from behind me. " Let me clean this for you."

 I place the glass of water on the counter as I watch him clean the mess I just made. 

 " I wanted to talk to you." He says looking at me after he's done.

 " Okay." I say wondering what he's about to tell me.

 " Maybe we should go to my room." He says taking my hand.

 " Sure, but do you really want to talk or is this a code for make out?" I ask making him laugh.

 " No, I really want to talk." He says playing with my fingers. " But I wouldn't say no for the other part if that's what you want."

 " For your luck, I'm in the mood for both." I say smiling and pulling him out of the kitchen.

 We walk to his bedroom holding hands, and as I open the door I smile because of the memories I have of this room. He locks the door after we get in and I lay down in his bed looking at the ceiling, so he does the same a minute after. We lay side by side for a bit, until he gets the guts to start the conversation he wanted to have in the first place.

 " I missed you." He says turning on his side to look at me. I smile and do the same so we're face to face.

 " You missed me??" I ask still smiling.

 " Of course I did." He says caressing my arm. " I don't know what this is, I'm so confused right now."

 " What do you mean?" I ask encouraging him to explain.

 " I've never felt this way before, Camila." He says quietly. " I can't get you off of my head. Believe me, I tried, but there's something about you."

 " I can't believe I'm hearing you say these words." I say looking into his eyes. " I wanted so much to hear you say this last summer."

 " I know, I'm sorry. I thought I could pretend this was just a physical thing, but to be honest I knew this was different from the start. I'm so stupid, this year apart from you just made me want you more."

 " Why haven't you called or texted me?" I ask curiously.

 " I wanted to, but at the same time I was convinced on trying to forget you."

 " You mean you had sex with a bunch of girls." I say trying not to sound jealous.

 " Yes, but every time I was with a different girl I couldn't help but compare them to you. I was trying to deny it, and the fact that you would always come back to my mind was driving me insane."

 " If it helps, I dated two guys but all I could think about was that they weren't you." I say looking away from him. " I thought you didn't want me like that, so the smartest thing would be to move on."

 " Did you had sex with them?" He asks with hesitation. " I know I don't have the right to be jealous, but I'm curious."

 " Yes, I did." I say turning on the bed so I'm looking at the ceiling again. " But honestly, I don't think they knew what they were doing. It wasn't good at all, so when I said I wish they were you, I meant in all aspects."

 He moves his hand to my thighs, then run them up to my waist and pull me closer until he's laying on his back and I'm on top of him.

 " I love when you wear yellow." He says moving a lock of my hair behind my ear, and then playing with the soft material of my yellow cardigan. " It's your color."

 He kisses my lips softly, then moves on to my neck while his hand opens my jumpsuit to give him access to my cardigan and what's underneath. Our lips meet again in a slow kiss as his hand goes under my yellow piece of clothing and mine run through his hair.

 " God, I missed you so much." He says as his hand cups my breast under my bra.

 " Me too." I say in a moan.

 He already has a bulge on his pants, which makes me smile because I'm the one causing it. I start grinding slowly on him, but just the simple movement already makes him moan against my lips. He sits up as I keep moving my hips and start to unbutton the bottom of my jumpsuit. I stop my movements and help him get rid of it, also taking my bra off from under my top, leaving me just in black panties and the yellow cardigan. I straddle him again and start to move my hips over his pants, causing more moans to leave both of us. He kisses me faster this time and I reach to pull his pants down halfway, but still leave his boxers on. As I keep grinding on him, I rest my face against his neck to muffle the noises I'm making.

 " Camila, if you don't stop…" I hear Shawn trail off in a low moan, that is followed by a louder one.

 I keep moving until I feel something wet between us and him holding me still. As I look down and then at his face, realization comes to me.

 " Oh my god." I moan looking at him. " Did you just cum?" I ask in disbelief.

 " Sorry, I tried to warn you." He says breathing heavily.

 " That's so hot." I say in a whisper. " I can't believe I did that."

 He moves his hand under my panties seeing how turned on I am, making me moan in his ear. He starts moving his hand and when my cries are getting a little too loud, we hear a knock on the door. I try to shut up but that coincides with him sliding a finger inside me, so whoever just knocked heard me moan his name loudly.

 " Camila, you better go to your room before your mom wakes up." I hear Karen's voice and then her footsteps going away.

 " Shit!" I moan as Shawn removes his finger from inside me. " Your mom just heard us."

 Suddenly I feel him sliding two fingers inside me and kissing me at the same time to shut me up. His fingers keep moving inside me, making me forget for a minute that Karen just heard us.

 "Shawn…" I say out of breath. " We have to stop."

 " I can feel you're almost there, Mila." He whispers in my ear. " We can finish before you leave."

 He's right, it doesn't take me much to reach my climax, and at some point I feel myself clenching as I move my hips against his fingers. I put my own hands on my mouth to keep quiet as he slows down his fingers. I hold him as he takes his hand out of my panties and replay on mind the conversation we just had before this.

 " Did you really mean all those things you said?" I ask still panting as he wraps his arms around my waist.

 " Every single word." He says on my ear.

 " Do you think she'll notice if I stay here?" I ask holding him tight.

 " She's probably already sleeping again." He says kissing my neck. " You should stay."

 My heart gets warm when I hear him saying that. We ignore Karen's orders, so I end up staying over and sleeping in one of his shirts. I feel him cuddling me from behind and a smile form on my lips. I missed being this close to him.

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