20. Trying Times

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[Camila's POV]

 The minute he holds me in his arms, I immediately regret the decision I made six months ago. His arms feel like home and I don't know how I made so long without giving in. His scent intoxicates me slowly as his touch feels like heaven. I have no idea how long we're standing here holding each other like it's the last thing we'll ever be able to do, but as I look up at him it's like there's magnets between us. Our lips meet in a desperate and passionate kiss as more tears roll down our faces, making everything even more magical. His hands touch my neck and it's like I'm either being electrified or my whole body is on fire. When our lips finally separate, I hear his voice in my ear, just a whisper.

 " I missed you so fucking much." His voice sends chills down my spine.

 " I'm so sorry." I say as more tears start to form in my eyes.

 " Shhh, I know you are." He says shutting me up with another kiss. " You don't have to apologize, all that matters right now is that you're here."

 We kiss our way to my bed and lay down as he holds me tight. We stay quiet, both of us avoiding the conversation that it's about to come.

 " Can we go back to normal?" I ask quietly.

 " There's nothing I want more than that." He says playing with my hair as we look into each others eyes.

 " I'm sorry I did that to you, but it felt like it was the right thing at the time." I say with my hand on his chest as we're layed down face to face. " I thought about calling you so many times, but I was so scared that it would make things worse or that you would hate me."

 " I could never hate you." He says placing a soft kiss on my lips.

 " Can you forgive me?" I ask as I run my thumb across his bottom lip.

 " The minute you hung up on me that day, I had already forgiven you." He says against my thumb. " I'm not letting you go ever again, Mila. You're stuck with me."

 " I love you, Shawn. I swear I'll never put us through that again." I say before kissing him. " I missed you so much, I can't believe you're actually here."

 We lay there just holding into one another, until we fall asleep eventually. I open my eyes slowly as I feel Shawn move next to me, and then I see Karen sitting on the edge of the bed. I sit up and hug her tight since we hadn't seen each other yet.

 " Camila, you look even more beautiful this year." She says smiling at me and holding my face.

 " Thanks, Karen." I say smiling back at her.

 " You two should come down, it's lunch time." She says standing up and walking out of the room.

 Shawn pulls me back down and I fall on top of him as we both laugh a little. I give him a quick kiss before we walk downstairs and find everyone already eating in the kitchen.

 " Milaaa!" Aaliyah yells getting up from her sit jumping on me.

 " Hi, I missed you." I say hugging her.

 We sit down to eat and everyone seems curious about Shawn and I, but no one has the courage to ask. Aaliyah, however, being the way she is, asks in front of everyone.

 " Are you two together again?" She says looking at us.

 " Liyah!" Both our moms say in unison trying to censure her.

 " Actually, we are." I say looking at Shawn and taking his hand that is resting on the table so everyone can see.

 He smiles at me and I hear Aaliyah cheering up, while our moms seem happy at the response I gave. Later that night Sabrina comes over, but Olivia doesn't come with her. She tells me she didn't want to run into Zayn, so I tell her I'll come over their house tomorrow so we can see each other. Shawn and I decide to go to the pool at night and as we walk outside, he jumps straight in the water while I stop for a moment to look at the beach. I hear a sound and few giggles on my left, when I turn around I see Aaliyah and Sabrina sitting down in the garden. It's a little far from where I am, so I can't hear what they're saying, but what I see them doing next speaks louder. Sabrina leans in and place a kiss on Aaliyah's lips. I quickly turn around knowing I was not supposed to see that and walk to the pool, getting in before they notice me. Shawn swims to where I am and hug me from behind, but I'm still shocked from what I just saw.

 " Are you okay?" He asks turning me around so I'm facing him.

 " Yeah, the water is just a little cold." I decide on not telling him, it's not my place to do so.

 We hang out in the pool for awhile, making out at some point and my body aches from how much I missed being this close to him. He's kissing my neck when I open my eyes and see the girls passing through us, going inside the house holding hands. Aaliyah sees me looking and drops Sabrina's hand, but I just close my eyes again pretending I didn't see anything. Eventually all of that escapes my mind as Shawn keep working his magic on my body.

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