2. Quiet of the Night

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I feel the warm water on my feet as I sit by the swimming pool. It's early in the morning so the sun it's not too bright yet, giving me a perfect view of the private beach ahead of me. I hear voices coming from inside the house and I as turn my head around I see Shawn and Zayn playing video games in the living room through the glass doors. Before I can look back Shawn sees me and gives me a smile that makes my heart skip a beat. I turn around trying to catch my breath but when I look at the pool the memory of that first night hits me like a ton of bricks.


 I turn around on the bed for the fifth time trying to get some sleep but my mind doesn't seem to get that. I keep remembering how the four of us went to the beach earlier and I almost drowned but Shawn catch me on time. He never really payed attention to me in the way I wanted him to, but when his arms wrapped around my waist to save me I could swear there was something different in the way he looked at me. I groan in frustration because there's no way he will ever look at me the way I look at him.

 Since I can't sleep I decide to go the pool, it's not safe for me to go to the beach right now since it's already midnight, so the swimming pool will have to do. I get up, change into my yellow bikini and make my way downstairs. As I open the glass door to the back of the house, I feel the cold breeze hit my face and my body get chills. I jump in the water not caring if I'm making any noises, the house is big enough that nobody will hear me. The water feels amazing against my skin and I'm so distracted in my own thoughts that I don't even notice someone else is walking to the pool.

 " Couldn't sleep?" I hear Shawn's voice from the other side of the pool. As I turn around I see him sitting on the edge with his feet in the water.

 " No." I say looking away. " What about you?"

 " I was in the kitchen when you walked downstairs, thought you might like some company." He says before getting inside the pool.

 I'm suddenly having trouble breathing when I see him swimming at my direction. He stops right next to me and I can see that his usual hazel eyes are now a darker tone. I don't know if I'm imagining things or if it's because it's kind of dark but I think he's staring at my lips.

 " Are you excited for senior year?" I ask to get his attention out my lips before I pass out.

 " Not really, but it's the last one, so I guess that's a good thing." He says turning his gaze to my eyes. " My dad is really excited that I'll have to apply for college, but I honestly have no idea what to do."

 " You still have time to decide." I say giving him a smile.

 " I know, I'm just scared that if I don't choose anything I'll end up doing what he wants, or even worse, I choose what I want but I still have to do what he thinks it's the best option."

 " He might be your father, but at the end of the day it's your life, you do what you want." I say playing with the water.

 " When have you become so smart?" He asks in a teasing tone of voice.

 " I've always been smart, you just never paid attention." I say taking a step closer to him.

 " Oh, trust me. I've been paying a lot of attention on you lately." He says closing the space between us until we're face to face.

 I'm taken by surprise by his answer and I hope he meant what I think he did. Without thinking twice I do something I can tell he wasn't expecting, I kiss him. He doesn't move at first so I pull away regretting my decision, but before I can do that he grabs my face and kisses me like he's been waiting to do that for a long time. Our mouths move in sync as his hands slip to my waist and mine go to his hair. He pulls me even closer until there's no space between our bodies, as I feel him lick my bottom lip making me open my mouth. As our tongues meet I can't help but gasp and run my hand through his curls, and as a response he places his hands under my thighs, lifting me up and backing me against the end of the pool. I wrap my legs around his torso at the same time he leaves my mouth to place kisses on my neck. I can barely hold myself together as he keeps working on my neck and presses himself against me, making an involuntary moan leave my mouth. Just then we hear the glass door that leads inside the house being opened, so Shawn pulls me down into the water with him. A few seconds later we're back in the surface but I don't see anyone out there.

 " It was my mom, but she didn't see us." He says following my gaze to the door. " But she heard something, you were being a little loud." He whispers in my ear, making me realize he's still holding me.

 I pull away from him and get out of the pool looking for my towell, but then I realize I forgot to bring one. I see him get out as well and then hand me his own towell. I thank him as I start to dry myself but I feel very self conscious because he's staring at me very intensely. I give him the towell back when I'm done and head back inside knowing that I'm for sure not going to get any sleep tonight.

[End of the flashback]

 I touch my lips as I remember the feeling of kissing him for the first time. No one had ever kissed me like that, with so much passion and desire. I hear the door open so I get up from where I'm sitting without looking who's coming outside, but it doesn't take me long to find that out.

 " Which of the things we did in this pool are on your mind right now?" I hear Shawn asking close to my ear.

 I turn around to say something, but then I see Karen had also come out of the house and I feel my cheeks turn red because by her expression she heard what her son just asked me. I ignore Shawn and walk inside the house avoiding Karen's gaze.

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