22. Grinning Like a Devil

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[Shawn's POV]

 I wake up with Camila in my arms and I have to blink twice to make sure this is not a dream and she's actually here. I run my hand up and down her spine, admiring how beautiful she looks naked in the morning light. Her eyes open slightly, but then she buries her face in my chest and holds me tighter. I leave a kiss on the crook of her neck, making her giggle a little.

 " Still like to watch me sleep?" She asks against my skin.

 " I'll never get tired of it." I say running my fingers through her hair.

 She kisses my chest and looks up at me smiling and finally opening her eyes completely.

 " Good morning, handsome." She whispers moving a hand to my cheek.

 " Morning, beautiful." I whisper back before placing a kiss on the top of her nose, making her laugh.

 She pecks my lips and then sit up on the bed, making an expression like she's in pain.

 " Are you okay?" I ask concerned.

 " Yes, I think I'm just a little sore from last night." She says quietly looking at me.

 I look at her confused, not really getting what she's talking about. She looks at me like I'm stupid, and then I realize what she meant as a smirk form on my lips.

 " Wipe that smirk off your face." She says getting up and walking to my bathroom. " Or I'll do it myself."

 " I would like to see that." I say to provoke her.

 She turns around and walks back to the bed, climbing on top of me. Her hands hold mine over my head as she kisses me deeply. When she loses her grip on my hands, I move them to her hips and pull her body on mine rougher than I intended.

 "Oww!" She cries out breaking the kiss.

 " Sorry." I say holding her in place.

 " I was about to say it's not your fault, but it is." She says making us both laugh.

 We head down for breakfast and find Sinu and my mom eating at the table. They greet us and my mom says she just made orange juice, which is my favorite.

 " What are you two doing today?" Sinu asks as we all eat.

 " I don't know." Camila says looking at me. " Why?"

 " I found this store just outside town that has that white marble table I've been wanting forever." She says excitedly. " Would you guys mind driving there and taking it for me?"

 " Sure." I say looking at Camila for confirmation, to which she nods her head.

 " We'll go after finishing here." She says smiling at her mom.

 Half an hour later I'm driving Sinu's car with Camila in the passenger seat. She connects her spotify on it and sings along to some songs.

 " Has Aaliyah told you anything about dating anyone?" I ask as I drive. She looks at me surprised, like she wasn't expecting the question.

 " No." She says quickly, making me think that maybe she does know something. " Why? Have she told you anything?"

 " No, but my mom overheard her talking on the phone with someone." I say keeping my eyes on the road. " Probably a boyfriend."

 Camila shifts in her seat like she's uncomfortable with the subject, so I'm pretty she knows something. I won't push her to tell me though, if she didn't say anything already is because Aaliyah asked her not to.

 " I'm just worried, she just turned thirteen." I say deciding to finish this conversation before Camila says something she wasn't meant to. I don't Aaliyah to get mad at her, and I also want her to tell us herself.

 In forty minutes we finally arrive at the store, Sinu had already reserved the table so as Camila passes the credit card, an employee helps me take it to the car. We stop to have lunch at a diner, and we both order cheese burgers, french fries and milkshakes, which are Camila's favorites.

As we drive back, she sing loudly some of the songs that are playing, making me laugh. Not because she's a bad singer, which she's definitely not, but because she's really enthusiastic about it. When "She will be loved" by Maroon 5 starts to play, she sings along beautifully and makes a microphone with her hand mentioning for me to sing with her.

 " Ask her if she wants to stay a while
   and she will be loved
   and she will be loved…"

She sings looking at me, making me fall in love with her all over again. I watch her sing for a bit, until she asks me to sing with her once again.

" Look for the girl with the broken smile
  ask her if she wants to stay a while
  and she will be loved
  and she will be loved…"

We sing together as I clearly ruin the song and she laughs at my voice.

 We laugh the whole way back as I keep ruining the songs and she keeps saving it with her perfect voice. We're almost at the house when my phone rings and I see is my mom, so Camila answers for me.

 " Hey, Karen." She says at first, but then keeps quiet for a while listening to what my mom is saying.

 " They're in the hospital with Aaliyah, she broke an arm." She says looking at me. " Your mom needs the health insurance number, it's in the house."

 I stop in front of the house and Camila waits in the car as I get in to look for what my mom needs. We drive to the hospital, finding twenty minutes later my mom in the waiting room.

 " Is she okay?" I ask handing my mom the paper she needed.

 " Yes, she was rollerblading with Sabrina and fell down." She says walking to the front table. " Sinu is there with her."

 We sit down as my mom takes care of the insurance thing, and wait for Aaliyah to be cleared to go home.


A/N: The part where they're singing "She will be loved" in the car is inspired by a scene from the movie "The last song" with Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth. I love that movie and that scene is honestly so cute, so let's just pretend Shawn is not a good singer in this one.

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