24. That's What I Tell 'Em

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[Shawn's POV]

 " Come on, baby! You got this!" I scream to Camila as she tries to get the ball in the basketball hoop. " Yesss!!"

 She comes running and jump on me, I catch her in time as we cheer our victory over Zayn and Charlotte.

 " Suck that!" Camila yells at her brother after I place her again in the ground again.

 " Whatever!" He says rolling his eyes making us all laugh.

 Zayn is super competitive and Camila loves to annoy him with stuff like this, Charlotte in the other hand is laughing just as much as we are. She's a lot taller than Camila, but she still sucks at it. Camila has been playing with us since we were kids, she may not be the best because of her height, I mean her lack of it, but she knows her way around a basketball court.

 Zayn and Charlotte walk to the house to get ready because they're going to spend two days at a friend's house in a nearby town. Camila and I are all sweaty, so we walk to the pool shower, but before she can get there I take her in my arms and throw her at the pool.

 " Oh, you're so paying for this." She says getting out of the water and running after me.

 We run around the pool as she tries to catch me, both breathless and laughing. She's finally able to jump on my back and tries to push me in the water, but I hold her legs around my torso making her fall with me.

 " Ugh, I hate you!" She says throwing water at me.

 " Sure, whatever you say." I pull her in and kiss her in a way that I should probably save for when we're indoors.

 " Fuck, I don't hate you at all." She says after we pull away, but then kisses me again. I back her against the side of the pool as the kiss gets more heated than it should.

 " Okay, show is over!" I hear my mom's voice, making us pull away quickly. " Dinner is almost ready, you two should come inside and take a shower before we eat."

 We get out of the pool and I can see Camila blushing a little because of what my mom saw. As we get upstairs I pull Camila to my room with me, and we take our wet clothes off getting in the shower together. I take the soap and wash her body as she rests her back on my chest, and of course we end up finishing what we started in the pool.

 As we get out of the shower I put some clothes on and Camila looks through my closet to see if she left anything in here that she can wear, but she only finds one of her bras. She puts in on and grab my gray hoodie from the chair, so I already know I'll never see that one again. We walk out of my room so she can go to her room put some panties on, but we find my mom on the top of the stairs looking at us. She stops noticing we just got out of the shower together and shakes her head a little letting us know dinner is ready. We walk to Camila's room as she goes downstairs, and then five minutes later we're all at the table eating. Zayn and Charlotte already left, so it's just us with our moms and Aaliyah.

 After dinner I see Aaliyah and Camila talking in the living room as I help Sinu and my mom clean up the kitchen. Camila hugs my sister and whisper something in her ear, making me curious on what they were talking about. Aaliyah asks us all to go to living room once we're done here because she wants to talk to us, causing us to exchange confused looks. Sinu and I take a seat next to Camila and my mom sits in the same couch as my sister.

 " What is this about?" My mom asked what I'm pretty sure is in everybody's mind.

 " Camila told me you overheard me talking to someone on the phone the other day…" She trails off not finishing the sentence. So this is about that.

 " Are you really dating someone then?" My mom ask her smiling.

 Aaliyah stays quiet and look at Camila, who gets up and sits next to her taking my sister's hands in hers. She smiles and nods at Aaliyah, like she's encouraging her to say something. I'm even more confused right now, and I can see my mom and Sinu are too. Why would she need that much encouragement to tell us she's dating someone?

 " Yes." She finally says looking up at us. " But, I'm dating a girl. I like girls, not boys."

 I'm a little surprised, I wasn't expecting that at all. Now I get why she was so nervous about it, but I also think she shouldn't feel this scared to tell us. I see my mom hug her and a few tears rolling down my sister's eyes. Suddenly we're all giving her a group hug, making her laugh through the tears.

 " We love you, Liyah. No matter what." My mom says as we pull away from the hug.

 " You still haven't told us who you're dating." I say looking at her. She looks at Camila, who looks at me like that is the most obvious thing ever.

 " Sabrina?" Sinu asks and my sister nods her head. Yeah, now it totally makes sense.

 Later that night, I lay with Camila in her bed so we can go to sleep, but I can't help but ask her what's been on my mind.

 " How long have you known?" I ask curiously.

 " The first day back here, when we were in the pool, I saw them kissing in the garden." She says resting her head on my chest.

 " I can't believe she was scared to tell us, we would never be mad at her."

 " I know, that's what I told her."

 " Thank you for being there for her." I say kissing her forehead.

 " You don't have to thank me, she's like my sister." She says looking up at me with a smile on her face. Either way I'm thankful Aaliyah has someone like Camila in her life, because I know she doesn't like to talk about some things with me or mom.


A/N: Just letting you guys know that I'm planning on ending this story on chapter 30, so it's coming to an end very soon...

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