26- One For The Book

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I opened the door into another world. The lights were dimmed and string lights were hung all through the apartment. My dining room table was set with a nice table cloth that I definitely did not own, plates and champagne glasses. I didn't own those either. The champagne glasses, I owned plates, plenty of plates. I didn't own champagne glasses for obvious reasons. 

"R-Remington, did you do this?" I asked, turning to him in awe. I might not seem like the type of person to like this kind of stuff but lets admit it, all girls love romance. Remington gave me a smile. "So this is what you were doing all day." I said, walking into the apartment, looking around. Remington took off his jacket revealing a nice button up and a tie. Wow, he looked hot in a tie. Then again, he looked hot in anything, but a tie just has something to it. He then took my jacket and hung it up. 

"Wait, how did you get into my house?" I asked.

"You gave me a spare key in case you got locked out, remember?" He said, taking the key out of his pocket. 

"Oh yeah, I did." I said. I took another look at him and suddenly felt under dressed in a hoodie and jeans. "I should probably go change." I said, giving Remington a quick kiss on the cheek and then going to my room. I decided that since he went out of his way to surprise me like this I should probably also go out of my way to surprise him. So I grabbed a pair of lingerie I haven't gotten to wear yet and then went into my closet and found a tight dress that was black with a red leather belt and was loose at the skirt.. I also put on a pair of knee high socks because I didn't want to go barefoot and they complimented the dress nicely. I went into the bathroom to get changed and freshen up a bit as well as to add some make up and salvage my face some. The whole process took me about twenty minutes.

I came out and watched Remington for a bit since he didn't notice my presence yet. He had some background music on playing at a low volume as he set the table with one of my favorite foods ever, sushi. He hummed along to the music to himself and had a small, cute smile on his face the entire time. Seeing him like that made my heart race and I watched him in a trance. He suddenly turned, probably sensing my eyes on him like a ghost. 

"Wow." He said in a breathless voice. "You look gorgeous." He said coming up to me and putting a finger under my chin, lifting my face slightly and kissing me. "Shall we?" He asked, motioning to the table and taking my hand in his and leading me to it. "Sorry there's no actual champagne by the way, I couldn't get any." 

"This was some of the best sushi I've had here so far, wow." I said when we were both done eating. Since I moved here I've been trying to find good sushi, and I think I just did. Everything I've tried before never tasted quite right.

"Well it better be since I made it." Remington said giving me a smile. My eyes went wide.

"You made these?" I said in shock. "They were amazing!" I said. I was genuinely impressed. 

"I'm flattered, thank you." He said, standing up and taking both of our plates. "I tried my best for you." He gave me wink and took the plates to the kitchen. I grabbed some other dishes that were on the table and followed Remington to the kitchen with them. 

"No, no you didn't have to. Its your birthday today, you should go sit back down." Remington said, taking the dishes from me and putting them in the sink. "You should go sit back down, I'll handle this and then we can have dessert." He cupped my cheek and gave me a kiss. The kiss was intended to be short but I wrapped my hands around his neck and pulled him closer. Nah, he is not doing dishes in my house. 

He wrapped his hands around my waist and slowly walked me backwards until I was pressed up against the kitchen counter. I ran my hands through his hair and he picked me up and placed me on the counter. 

"But dessert." Remington said, pulling away and resting his forehead against mine. 

"And what do you call this?" I asked, pulling his lips back to mine.

"Fuck it." Remington said, rapping my legs around his waist and picking me up, walking the both of us to my bedroom. 

He threw me on the bed and crawled on top of me, kissing down my neck. I bit my lip and flipped us over, straddling his hips. I gave him a devious look, kissing his neck and then moving my hair to the side as he reached for the zipper of my dress. I pulled my dress off, revealing the lingerie I decided to wear underneath. I could feel Remington getting more excited as he groaned in approval. He reached up and cupped my neck, pulling me down for a kiss and then flipping me back on my back. 

"You know, theres still dessert in the kitchen." Remington said, running his hands through my hair as I rested my head on his chest. I chucked. Remington and his dessert.

"You're not gonna shut up until you get it will you." I said amused, picking my head up from his chest and looking at him.

"You're so beautiful." He said, brushing some hair behind my ear. "And yes. How about I bring it here and we can watch a movie. In bed. Naked. With dessert." He said, giving me a suggesting look. I leaned down and gave him a peck on the lips.

"Go get it." I said, moving so that he could stand up. And thats how we spent the rest of the day. After we showered of course. 

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